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WBCHSE EVS Question Paper 2019

 WBCHSE EVS Question Paper 2019

WBCHSE EVS Question Paper 2019

The State of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students are being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE EVS QUESTION PAPER 2019 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.

WBCHSE Question Papers Year wise

WBCHSE Question Paper 2020


WBCHSE Question Paper 2019


WBCHSE Question Paper 2018



WBCHSE Question Paper Solved Download 

Environmental Studies 2019










Know MCQ Answers




West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

 Environmental Studies  



1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): 8x5-40

(0) Discuss briefly the different types of 'biodiversity'. What is 'seed bank ? 6+2

Or, Discuss the relationship between 'environmental pollution' and 'biodiversity. What do you understand by'value of biodiversity'?     6+2

(i) What do you mean by 'environmental management' ? Discuss its importace in indian context. 2+6

Or, Discuss with examples the relationship between 'environmental management and development'. What is 'Joint Forest Management' ? 6+2

(il) Discuss the importance of 'biofertilizer' in sustainable agriculture management. What is Mixed Farming'? 5+3

Or, What do you mean by 'Integrated Pest Management' ? State the role of 'Mycorrhiza in crop production. 5+3


2. Select the correct answer from the alternatives 1x24= 24

(I)  In which year was the 'Biodiversity Act' promulgated in India ?

al 2002.                 (b) 2005

ic) 2004.                (d) None of these

(Ii)  In which year was the report 'Our Common Future' published?

(al 1992.                (b) 1984

c) 1972.                 (d) 1987

(iil) The main reason for destruction of Mali civilization was

(a) environmental disaster 

(b) economic crisis

(c) sociai crisis 

(d) none of these

(iv) Which disease is caused due to the effect of excess nitrogen ?

(a) Blue Baby Syndrome  

(b) Typhoid


 (d) Polio

(v)  The dead and decomposed organic end products that remain in soil are called

(a) Loam.           (b) Humus

(c)Laterite.        (d) None of these

(vi) What is the present total number of threatened amphibian species in India?

(a) 93.              (b) 3

(c) 81.              (d) 17

(vii) n which state of India is the 'Dehang Debang Biosphere Reserve' situated?

(a) Assam .            (b) Sikkim

(c) Meghalaya.    (d) Arunachal Pradesh

(viii) Which plant has the scientific name 'Azadirachta indica' ?

(a) Mango.                 (b) Blackberr

c)Jackfruit .               (d) Neem

(ix) How many Biosphere Reserve were formed in India till 2007 ?

(a) 14.                (b) 15

c) 16.                  (d) 18

(X) What is the maximum permissible limit of noise at night time in a silent zone ?)

a) 50 decibel.             (b) 65 decibel

(c) 45 decibel.            (d) 40 decibel

(xi) What is the present total number of threatened bird species in india ?

a) 72.                          (b) 17

Ans. (c) 2.                  (d) 3

(xii) Which type of soil is very rich in minerais?

(a)  Sandy Soil.             (b) Alluviai soil

(c)  Black soil.                (d) None of these

(xiii) In which year was the Earth Summit held?

 (a)  1972.                         (b) 1992

(c) 2002.                           (d) 1982

(xiv) What is India's rank in the worid in respect of mammafian diversity?

(a) 8th.                          ( b) 5th

(c)  6th.                          (d) 10th

(Xv) How many numbers of angiosperm species presently exist in india ?

(a) 204.                       (b) 145000

(c) 372.                       (d) 428

(xvi) In which year was the 'Convention on Biodiversity' held ?

(a 1992.                     (b) 1972

()1984.                      (d) 2002

(xvii) The name of a long-lived hazardous pesticide is-

(a) D.D.T.                    (b) Rhizobium

(c)  Urea.                    (d) Phosphate

(xviii) In which year was the 'Wildlife Protection Act' promulgated in India ?

(a) 1972.                            (b) 1970

(c 1982 .                            (d) 2002

(xix) What iaximum permissible limit of annual average concentration of Suspended Particulate Matter (S.P.M) in the air of a sensitive area?

(a) 360microgram/cubic m 

(b) S0 microgram/cubic m

(c) 70 mincrogram/cubic m 

(d) 1 microgram/cubic m

(xx) Approximately how many persons of the entire world suffer from illness due

to pesticide poisoning every year ?

(a) 4,00.O00.                 (b) 1,00,000

fc) 3,00.000.                  (d) 7,00 000

(xxi) How much area of gldbal agricultural land is getting unfit for agriculture every year ?

(a)  80lk hectares 

(b) 30lalkh hectares

c) 40 iakh hectares 

(d) 20 lakh hectares

(xxii) Phosphobacterium is one form of -

(a) Biofertilizer.           (b)organochlorine

(c) toxic metal.             (d) none of these

(xxiii) what is the maximum permissible tmit of annual average concentration of sulphur dioxise in the air of industrial area?

(a) 80 micrograms/cubic m

(b) 30 micrograms/cubic m

(c) 70 micrograms/cubic m

 (d) 25 microgram/cubic m

(xxiv) The process of gradual increase in concentration of metallic elements at each

successive level of food chain is called

(a) Bionutrition 

(b) Biochemical demand

(c)  Bromagrification

 (d) None of these

2. Answer the folowirng questions in very brief (Afternatives are to be noted): 1x16-16

(i) What is 'Azolia'?

or, What is the source of 'Alluvial soil'?

(ii) What do you understand by Bio-herbicide'?

or, What is 'cyanobacteria'?

(iii) What is Jhum cultivation' ?

Or, What is 'Taungya'?

(iv) Give an example of 'Bio-insecticide'

Or, Name a major plant disease.

(v) What is 'Earth capital'?

(vi) in which year was the Indian Forests Act' promulgated?

(vii) in w ich year was the 'Factories Act' promulgated in India?

(viii) What is the maximum permissible limit of 'arsenic' in drinking water as per iS 10500?

(ix) What do you mean by 'hardness' of drinking water?

(x) in which year was the 'Elephant Project' launched in India ?

(xi)  What do you mean by tissue culture?

Or, What do you mean by 'habitat fragmentation'?

 (xii) What do you mean by hot-spot of biodiversity?

Or, What do you mean by 'biogeochemical cycle' ?


(xiii) What is 'gene pool'?


(xiv) What is the full form of 'N.A.E.B.' ?

(xvi) What do you understand by 'sustainable lifestyle'?


Or, Give one example of ancient 'water civilization'.


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EVS 2019



WBCHSE  Question Paper 2019

Subject wise List















Political Science 










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