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WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2018

 WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2018

WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2018

The state of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students are being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE Geography QUESTION PAPER 2018 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.

WBCHSE Geography Question Paper 2018 Download

WBCHSE Question Papers Year wise

WBCHSE Question Paper 2020


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WBCHSE Question Paper 2018




WBCHSE Question Paper 2019 Solved

Geography 2018 Solved 

Solved Part A 


Solved Part B



West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education



PART- A (MARKS : 35)
L. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) 7x5=35

(a) Discuss with suitable diagrams the different stages of the cycle of erosion as described by William Morris Davis. What is meant by illuviation 6+1
Or,  Exptain with suitable diagrams how are the wave-cut platform, natural arch and blow-hole formed. What is superimposed drainage? 6+1
(b) Discuss the impact of depletion of ozone layer on environment. Mention the adaptive characteristics of halophytes. 4+3
Or, Write short notes on genetic diversity and species diversity in biodiversity. Mention three characteristics of Jet stream
(c) Discuss the impact of Green Revolution on indian agriculture. Why is the per capita
production less in intensive subsistence agriculture ? Define crop combination. 3+2+2
(d) Discuss the problems for the development of rubber industry in Brazil. Why is India developed in readymade-garment-industry ? What is 'Material index.

(e) Discuss the impact of migration on worldwide distribution of population. Mention the characteristics of different stages of Demographic Transition Model.
Or, Write a brief account of the mineral resources of Chhatisgarh. Classify urban settlement on the basis of its function and give examples.

1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question. 1x21-21
(i) The unsaturated layer, which extends from the surface of the earth up to the phreatic layer, is known as
(a) aquifer.                 (b) aquiclude
(c) vadose zone.        (d) aquitard

(ii) An example of the economic activities under Quaternary sector is
(a) research and development
 (b) tourism
(c) consultancy 
(d) banking service

(iii) Detroit of the U.S.A. is famous for
(a) cotton-textile industry 
(b) motor car manufacturing industry
(c) petro-chemical industry 
(d) paper industry

(iv) Haldia is located at the confluence of two rivers. They are
(a) Haldi and Rupnarayan 
(b) Haldi and Kangsabati
(c) Haldi and Hooghly 
(d) Bhagirathi and Rupnarayan

(v) One of the following incidents is not an exampie of a naturai disaster. That is
(a) 'Aila' of 2009 
(b) Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984
(c) Tsunami of 2004
 (d) Earthguake in Nepal in 2015

(vi) The cimatic region, in which California is iocated, is
a) Monsoon climatic region 
(b) Mediterranean climatic region
c Tundra climatic region
 (d) Desert climatic region

(vii) The layer of soil, in which humus is formed by partly or fully decomp0sed plant and animal rermains, is known as
(a) Ahorizon.               (b) B' horizon
(c) 'O horizon.             (d) 'Rhorizon

fviii) The coast formed by partial submergence of ridges, which lie parallel to the coast, is known as
(a) Compound coast.     (b) Ria coast
(c) Fjord coast.               (d) Dalmatian coast

(ix) The settlement pattern, that grows around a pond, is known as
(a) dry-point settlement 
(b) wet-point settlement
(c) linear settlement 
(d) square-shaped settlement

(x) The workers engaged in the economic activities under tertiary sector are called
(a) white collar workers 
(b) red collar workers
(c) blue collar workers 
(d) pink colar workers

(xi) The tropical cyclone of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea is known as
a) Typhoon.             (b) Tornado
(c) Hurricane.          (d) Willy-VWilly

(xil) The term 'biodiversity' was first used by
(a) Walter Rosen 
(b) Norman Mayers
(c) Charles Darwin
 (d) Robert Hooke

(xiii) in India, 'Blue Revolution' sassociated with the production of
a) milk.                (b) meat
(c) ege                  (d) fish

(xiv) The drainage pattern formed on landform associated with uniclinal structure is known as
(a) Annular drainage pattern 
(b) Radial drainage pattern
(c) Trellis drainage pattern 
(d) Centripetal drainage pattern

(xv) A significant karst region of India is
(a) the Vale of Kashmir
 (b) Borra caves
(c) the Blue mountain region 
(d) Ajanta caves

(xvi) in India, age-sex ratio is determined by the formula.
(a) Number of total female. X 100
     Number of total male

(b)  Number of total female  X 1000
       Number of total male 

(c) Number of total male.       X  100
      Number of total female 

(d)  Number of total male.   X 1000
       Number of total female 
(xvii} Caustic soda and soda ash are used as raw materials in
(a) jute industry
 (b) cotton textile industry
c) paper industry
 (d) iron and steel industry

(xviii) The name ot the province of China, which is known as The Rice-bowl of China', is
al Yunnan.            (b) Zechwan
(c) Hunan.             (d) Hubei

(xix) El-nino is observed in
a) the Atlantic Ocean 
(b) the Pacific Ocean
(c) the indian Ocean 
(d) the Mediterranean Sea

(xx) An example of major primary nutrient necessary for plants is
(a) iron.               (b) manganese
(c) copper.          (d) nitrozen

(xxi) The theory of pediplanation' was first propounded by
(a) W.M. Davis.          (b) w. Penck
(c) J.T. Hack.               (d) L.C. King

2. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): 1x14-14
(i) Define gradation.

Or, What is Geyser?

(i) What is Isotim'?

Or, Write the names of two cotton textile industrial centres of the southern region of
the U.S.A.

(ii) Define consequent stream.
Iv) Which part of the sea-shore is known as back shore ?
(v) Define Planning Region.
Or, Which is the major river of Chhattisgarh region ?
(vi) Write the name of the longest railway line of the worid.

(vii) Define market-gardenin8
Or, Name two major groundnut producing states of India.
(viii) Give an example of Mollisol.
Or, What is meant by soil conservation ?
(ix) Give two examples of biodiversity hot-spot of lIndia.
(x) Which climatic region does experience '4 0' clock Rain ?
Or, What is eye of a cyclone ?
(xi) What is me.nt by zero population growth?
Or, Name the largest metropolitan city of India.
(xii) What is cloud-burst?
(xiii) What is Trade wind?
(xiv) What is Knick point ?

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Education 2019



WBCHSE  Question Paper 2018

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