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WBCHSE Political Science Question Paper 2018

 WBCHSE Political Science Question Paper 2018

WBCHSE political Science Question Paper 2018

The state of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students are being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE Political Science QUESTION PAPER 2018 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.


WBCHSE Question Papers Year wise

WBCHSE Question Paper 2020


WBCHSE Question Paper 2019


WBCHSE Question Paper 2018


WBCHSE Question Paper PDF

Urdu Version

English Version

Political Science  2018





WBCHSE Question Paper 2019 Solved

Pol Science  2018 Solved 

Solved Part A 


Solved Part B



West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

 Political Science  



1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) 8x5-40

(i) What is power? Discuss the elements of power. 2+6

Or, What is the role of National Interest in the making of Foreign Policy? Mention the methods of protecting National Interest. 3+5

(ii) Discuss the Marxian theory of the State.

(ii) Discuss the powers and functions of the President of India. 4+4

Or, Explain the powers and position of the Chief Minister of a state in India. 5+3

(iv) Discuss the powers and functions of the indian Parliament.

Or, Describe the process of law making in Indian Parliament.

(v) Analyse the composition and functions of the Supreme Court of India. 2+6


1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question : 1x24-24

(i) Who took the initiative to form the Warsaw Pact?

(a) Soviet Union.         (b) USA

(c) Britain.                    (d) France

(ii) in which year was the Panchsheel Agreement signed ?

(a) 1950.                        (b) 1945

(c) 1954.                        (d) 1991

(iii) How many articles are there in the UN Charter ?

(a) 110 .                         (b) 111

(c) 112.                          (d) 113

(iv) An example of plural executive is

(a) Switzerland .        (b) France

(c) India.                     (d) Great Britain

(v) Who supported Bicameralism?

la) J.S.Mill.                  (b) Hegel

(c) Barker.                  (d) Finer

(vi) The first vrce-President ot ndia wa
(a) Rajendra Prasad 
(b) Dr Sarvapat Radhakrishnan
(c)  Dr Zakir Hussain
 (d)  Ramnath Govind 

(vii) The Mayor of Kolkata Municipai Corporation is elected for
(a)  5years.               (b) 6 years
(c) 3 years.               (d) 4 years
Ans. (a) 5 years 
(viii) Panchayat Samiti is the.........  tier of the Panchayat Raj.
(a) First.                 (b)  Second 
(c) Third.               (d)  fourth 

(ix) The Belgrade Conference was held in
a) 1955.                 (b) 1958
(c) 1961.                (d) 1965

(x) The First Summit Meeting of SAARC was held at
(a) Delhi.               (b) Islamabad
(c) Dhaka.             (d) Colombo

(xi) The total number of members of the Security Council is
(a) 10.                   (b) 15
(c) 20.                   (d) 25

(xii) Adoption of Separation of Powers is found
(a) in the UK.              (b) in india
c) in the USA.             (d) in Japan

(xiii) "A second chamber is the essential security for freedom."- it is said by
(a) Lord Curzon.           (b) Lord Acton
(c) Green.                       (d) Locke

(xiv) Who is the leader of the Council of Ministers ?
(a) Vice-President.     (b) Prime Minister
(c) President.              (d) Speaker

(xv) The Upper House of the State Legislature is
(a) Legislative Assembly 
(b) Legislative Council
(c) Lok Sabha 
(d) Rajya Sabha

(xvi) The elected representatives of the Municipalities are called
(a) Councillor.             (b) Mayor
c) Sabhapati.               (d) Chairman

(xvii) The term 'Cold war was first applied by
(a) Bernard Baruch.      (b) Truman
(c) Churchill                    (d) Gorbhachev

(xviii) in which year was the indo-Pak 'Simla Agreement' signed
(a) 1965.                          (b) 1972
(c) 1975.                          (d) 1978

xix) The first Secretary General of UNO was
(a) U Thant.                  (b) Trygve Lie
(c) Kofi Annan.            (d) Ban Ki Moon

(xx) At present the number of members of the General Assembly is
(a) 190.                        (b) 191
(c) 192.                        (d) 193

(xxi)"If the Lamp of Justice goes out in darkness how great is that darkness"- It is said by
 "(a) Marx.                 (b) Gettle
(c) Barker .                (d) Lord Bryce

(xxii) "Parliament is a plaything"-said by
(a) Benito Mussolini.             (b) Hitler
(c) Rabindranath Tagore .    (d) Stalin

(xxiii) The maximum number of members of the Rajya Sabha is
(a) 530.                                    (b) 250
(c) 130 .                                   (d) 55

(xxiv) Who calls the first meeting of the Gram Panchayat?
(a) Panchayat Pradhan.     (b) B.D.O.
(c) Sabhapati.                      (d) Sabhadhipati

2. Answer the following questions in brief (Alternatives are to be noted) 1x16-16

(i) Mention one principle of NAM.
Or, Mention the names of two main exponents of Non-Alignment Movement.
(ii) What is the main pillar of India's foreign policy?
Or, Mention any one principle of Panchasheel.
(iii) What is 'BRICS'?
Or, What do you understand by G-77 ?
(iv) Mention a weakness of the Security Council.

(v)How many judges are there in the International Court of Justice?

(vi) Define 'Delegated Legislation

Or, What dio you mean by Bureaucracy.

vii) Mention any two powers of the Prime Minister of India.

(vii) Who is called the 'Miniature District Magistrate?

Or, What do you mean by Nyaya Panchayat?


(ix) What is Ward Committee?

Or, Mention two sources of income of the Municipalities in West Bengal.

(x) What is Bipolarity?

(xi) What is the full form of SEATO ?

(xii) Where is the permanent secretariat of the United Nations located?

Or, In which year was the 'Atlantic Charter' signed ?

(xii) How many members were there in SAARC at the time of its foundation?

(xiv) Write the names of the two specialized agencies of the ECOSOC.

Or,  Who is the author of the book 'Spirit of Laws'?

(xvi) How is the Vice-President of india elected?

Or, Write one eligibility of the post of a Governor.


WBCHSE  Question Paper 2018

Subject wise List















Political Science 










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