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WBCHSE Economics Question Paper 2018

 WBCHSE Economics Question Paper 2018

WBCHSE Economics Question Paper 2018

The state of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students artoe being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE Economics QUESTION PAPER 2018 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.

WBCHSE Economics Question Paper 2018 Download

WBCHSE Question Papers Year wise

WBCHSE Question Paper 2020


WBCHSE Question Paper 2019


WBCHSE Question Paper 2018




WBCHSE Question Paper 2019 Solved

Economics  2018 Solved 

Solved Part A 


Solved Part B



West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education




1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) 2x10=20

(a) What do you mean by demand fora good ?

Or, What is meant by an inferior good?

(b) Define own price elasticity of demand.

(c) Give two examples of a firm's fixed cost of production.

 Or, Define marginal cost of production of a firm.

(d) Show that average revenue of any firm is always equal to the market price of the good produced by it.

Or, Prove that marginal revenue of a firm equals zero if the magnitude of price elasticity of demand is unity

(e) What is meant by contractionary fiscal policy?

Or, What is government expenditure multiplier?

(f)  Mention any two disadvantages of range as a measure of dispersion.

(g) Mention two causes of income inequaity in india

Or Mention any two measures adopted for the removal of poverty in india.

(h) Why s life insurance calied contract of assurance?

(i) What do you mean by liberalisation of foreign trade?

Or, Mention two advantages of India as a member of Worid Trade Organisation

G) Mention any two recommendations of Narasimham Committee for reform of the Indian banking sector

2. Answer the following quesitons (Alternatives are to be noted)   5x8=40

(a) Explain the short run law of variable proportions in the process of production.

Or, Explain the Laws of Returns to scal of production.

(b) Write the features of a perfectly competitive market.

Or, What is a shutdown point ? Explain the circumstances under which a perfectly competitive firm reaches such a point

(c) Briefly discuss the Ricardian theory of differential rent.

Or, What, according to Keynes, are the three motives for holding money ? Explain your answer.


(d) Explain, with a diagram, the concept of circular flow of income

Or, Discuss the various problems of measurement of national income.

(e) Describe the main functions of commercial banks.

(f) Show the distinction between balance of trade and balance of payments.

or, What measures can be adopted to remove deficits in the balance of payments of a country.

(g) The weights of six persons fin Kg) are respectively, 64, 60, 60, 64, 60 and 64. Find the standard deviation of weights.

(h) Explain the features of different types of unempioyment prevalent in India.

Or, Briefiy mention the measures adopted by the government to increase employment opportunities in india.

1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question 1x10=10
(i) Economic Reforms Programme was adopted in india in the year.
(a) 1975.                 (b) 1981
(c) 1985.                 (d) 1991

(ii) What is measured by the Head Count Ratio ?
a) National Income.     (b) Unemployment
(c) Poverty.                    (d) Inflation

(iii) in case of disguised unemployment, marginal productivity of labour is equal to

(a) 0.                    (b) 1/2
(c)1.                     (d)-1

(iv) If the given values of a variable are all equal to 2, then its standard deviation is
(a) negative.           (b) zero
(c) positive .           (d) 2

(v) Government expenditure remaining unchanged, if tax is reduced by Rs. 1,000 and marginal propensity to consume isthen national income will increase to
(a) Rs. 1,000.        (b) Rs. 2,000
(c) Rs. 3,000.        (d) Rs. 4,000

(vi) The value of investment multiplier is
(a)   1/ MPC.              (b) 1/ 1-MPC

(C) 1/ 1-MPS .              (d) 1/MPC+ MPS

(vii) At the equilibrium point of a monopolist absolute value of price elasticity of demand will be
(a) equal to 1 .        (b) greater than 1
(c) less than 1.        (d) infinity

(viii) In case of perfectly inelastic supply, the supply curve is
(a) horizontal.                    (b) vertical
(c) downward sloping.    (d) upward rising

(ix) The first order or necessary condition for profit maximisation of any firm is
(a) MR MC.        (b) MR> P
c) MR< MC.       (d) MC curve slopes down

(x)i Marginal Cost (MC) curve
(a)  never sÅ‚opes downwards
(b) initially slopes down and then slopes up
(c) never slopes upwards
(d) intersects the AC curve at its highest point

2. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted) 1x10=10
(i) Write true or false: Mahalanobis Committee was appointed for reform in India's financial sector.
Or, Write true or false : New India Assurance Company Ltd. is a private sector insurance
(ii) Fill in the blank : In 1993, ...............Committee was set up for reform in the insurance sector in India.
(ii) Write true or false According to Mahalanobis Committee, income inequality is greater in the urban areas than in the rural areas.
Or, Write true or false : Income inequality in India has increased during the Plan period.
(iv) Fill in the blank: Monopoly Enquiry Commission was set up in the year...........

(v) Write true or false: The difference between the maximum and minimum values of a variable is called range.

Or, Write true or false : If 10 is added to each value of a variable, its standard deviation will remain unchanged.

(vi) Fill in the blank: Greater is the value of Gini coefficient,................. will be the magnitude of inequality in income distribution.

Or, Fill in the blank : The minimum value of standard deviation is.............

(vii) Fill in the blank : In the mark-up system it is assumed that long-run industry supply curve will be ............

(viii) Write true or false: The monopolist is a price maker.

Or, Write true or false : Under monopoly price is always equal to marginal cost.

(ix) Write true or false: There exists no difference between firm and industry in a
monopoly market.

(x) Write true or false : If there are losses of crops due to drought, the supply curve of an agricultural product will be downward sloping.

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Economics   2018




WBCHSE  Question Paper 2018

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