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WBCHSE History Question Paper 2018

 WBCHSE History Question Paper 2018

WBCHSE History Question Paper 2018

The state of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students are being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE History QUESTION PAPER 2018 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.

WBCHSE Question Papers Year wise

WBCHSE Question Paper 2020


WBCHSE Question Paper 2019


WBCHSE Question Paper 2018




WBCHSE Question Paper 2019 Solved

History 2018 Solved 

Solved Part A 


Solved Part B



West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education




1. Answer any five questions at least two questions from each group: 8x5-40


(i) Discuss the role of myths and memoirs in remembering the past. 8

(ii) Discuss the question of race and its impact in colonial societies. 8

(iii) Dhscuss the main provisions of the Treaty of Nanking and the reaty of Ttentsin. 4+4
Or, Explain the causes and effect of deindustrialisation in colonial India. 4+4
(iv) Discuss the nature of the Bengal Renaissance. What were its limitations? 5+3
v) What was the aim of the Rowlatt Act ? Why did Gandhiji oppose this Act? 4+4
(vi) Review the contributions made by Subhash Chandra Bose in the Indian freedom struggle.

(vi) Give a brief account of the Suez Crisis.
Or, What was the objective of the Sovietization of Eastern Europe ? What was its impact on different countries? 3+5
(vii) What is meant by decolonisation? Explain its social, political and economic significance.
1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question 1x24-24
(i) "History is a science, no more, no less." Who said this?
(a) Ranke.                  (b) E.H.Carr
(c) James Mill.          (d) Bury

(ii) "Ekattorer Diary' (Diary of 71) is the memoir written by
(a) Sufia Kamal
 (b) Narayan Gangopadhyay
(c) Narayan Sanyal
 (d) Dakshinaranjan Basu

(iii) in which Indian port did Vasco da Gama first land?
(a) Daman.            (b) Goa
(c) Calicut.             (d) Cochin

(iv) Match Columns
          Column-1.                Column-2
(i) Imperialism: A Study.       (A) Adam Smith
(i) History of British india.   (B) V.i. Lenin
(ii) Wealth of Nations.          (C) James Mill
(iv) Imperialism: The
Highest Stage of
 Capitalism.                           (D) J.A. Hobson
(a) (i)-D, (i)-C, (ii)-A, (iv)-B 
(b) (i)-D, (i)-B, (ii)-A, (iv)-C
(c) (i)-B, (ii)-C, (i)-D, (iv)-A 
(d) (i)-C, (i)-D,(ii)-B, (iv)- A

(v Who was not associated with the Battle of Buxar?
(a) Siraj-ud-daulah.         (b) Mir Qasim
(c) Shah Alam.                 (d) Shujauddaulah

(vi) The Regulating Act was passed in
(a) 1770.                           (b) 1771
(c) 1773.                           (d) 1774

(vii) The Board o Revenue was formed by
(a)  Lord iytton.            (b)Lord Ripon
c Lord ornwallis.         (d) Warren Hastings

(viii) Who were known as the Serampore Trio?
al Carey-Hickey-Ward 
(b) Duff-Carey-Marshman
c) Hare-Duft-Carey 
(d) Carey-Marshman-Ward

ix) The Treaty of Shimonoseki was signed in
(a) 1894.                (b) 1895
(c) 1896.                (d) 1897

(x) The Satyashodhak Sabha was founded by
(a) Dayanand Saraswati 
(b) Keshab Chandra Sen
(c) Jyotiba Phule 
(d) Rammohan Roy

(xi) In the Meerut Conspiracy Case, no allegations were made against
(a) S.A. Dange.                (b) Muzaffar Ahmed
(c) Somnath Lahiri.      (d) Philip Spratt

(xii) At the Tripuri Congress, Subhash Chandra Bose's opponent was
(a) Govind Ballav Pant 
(b) C. Rajagopalachari
(c) Pattavi Sitaramayiya 
(d) Jawaharlal Nehru

(xiii) The demand for a separate Pakistan was raised at the Muslim League Session of-
(al Lahore.              (b) Lucknow
(c) Karachi.            (d) Dacca

(xiv) The pamphlet Now or Never was written by
(a) Aga Khan .          
(b) Md. Ali Jinnah
(c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 
(d) Chowdhury Rahamat Ali

(xv) Who established their colony in Indonesia ?
(a) The English.          (b)The Dutch
(c) The French.          (d) The Portuguese

(xvi) When was the Indian Independence Act promulgated?
(a) 4 July, 1946.         (b) 14 August, 1946
(c) 4 July, 1947.         (d) 14 August, 1947

(xvii) Match Columns
             Column- 1.             Column -2
(i) Maxim Litvinov.         (A) British Prime 
(ii) Winston Churchill   (B) President of USA
(ii) Joseph Stalin.            (C) Soviet Foreign
(iv) Harry Truman.        (D) President of USSR

(a) (i)-C, (ii)-A, (ii)-B, (iv)-D
 (b) (i)-A, (i)-C, (ii)-D, (iv)-B
(c) (i)-C, (i)-A, (ii)-D, (iv)-B 
(d) (i)-B, (i)-D,(ii)-c, (iv)- A

(xviii) The Fulton speech was delivered by
(a) Churchill.               (b) Roosevelt
(c) Stalin.                     (d) Kennan

(xix) Gerneral Neguib was the military commander ot
(al Egypt.                     (b)lsrael
(c) Aigeria.                  (d) Lybia

(xx) The Mai Lai incident took place in
(a) Japan.                   (b) China
(c) Korea.                   (d) Vietnam

(Xxi) Of which country was Patrice Lumumba the Prime Minister?
(a) Ghana.                   (b) Congo
(c) Morocco.               (d) Malta

(xxii) Who was the chief architect of the Planning Commission of India ?
(a) Jawaharlal Nehru 
(b) Prasanta Chandra Mahalanobis
(c) Vallab Bhai Patel 
(d) Meghnad Saha

(xxiii) The Constitution of India came into effect in
(a) 1950 A.D.                (b) 1951 A.D.
(c) 1955 A.D.                (d) 1960 A.D.

(xxiv) In 1951 A.D., the first Indian Institute of Technology was set up at
(a) Shibpur.               (b) Kanpur
(c) Kharagpur.           (d) Jadavpur

2. Answer the following questions in brief (Alternatives are to be noted) 1x16-16
(i) What do you understand by imperialism?
(ii) When did Vasco da Gama come to India?
Or, What is meant by mercantile capital ?

(iii) in which year was the United States of America formed ?
(iv) Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India?
Or, What was the Sunset law?

(v) What is meant by Canton trade?
Or, In which year was the railways first established in India?
(vi) Who was Charles Wood ?
(vii) Who was the first Vice Chancellor of the University of Calcutta?
(vii) In which year was the Arya Samaj established?
Or, in which year did the May 4th Movement take place

(ix) Who led the Simla deiegation ?

Or, Why did indians boycott the Simon Commission
(x) in which year was the Poona Pact signed?

Or, when, in the twentieth century, did the Bengal Famine take place

(xi) What is C.R. Formula?
Or, Whom did Subhash Chandra Bose regard as the 'father of the Indian lndependence Movement in East Asia' ?

xii) When was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam founded ?
(xiii) What is the full form of NATO?
(xiv) When was the Geneva Convention summoned ?
Or, Where did the first Non-aligned Summit take place?

(xv) What is the Third World ?

(xvi) Who was Homi Jahangir Bhabha?

WBCHSE Question Paper PDF

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History 2018



WBCHSE  Question Paper 2018

Subject wise List















Political Science 










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