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Tribal Revolts in India

 Resistance and Rebellions

Resistance and Rebellion

Before the advent of East India Company, India had a rich and economically unexploited Forest Reserve. The Mughal Government had given special protection to the forest life. The government did not collect taxes or revenue from the people living within the forest. These people were called the ‘Adivasis’ or tribal community. 

Who were Adivasis or Tribal people?
The term Adivasi derives from the Hindi word 'adi' which means of earliest times or from the beginning and 'vasi' meaning inhabitant or resident. Generally speaking, people living within forests were termed as the Adivasis or Tribal people.  They used to live in the forest and have their own limited circle in which all their rituals, religions and else works are being practised by them. Forest was their world and they did not like to live outside the forest. Similarly, they also disliked people, who came from outside of forest, to live and settle within the forest.

Adivasis of India were basically peasants but had some differences from the common peasant. They earned their livelihood through shifting cultivation (Jhum) or working as agricultural labours, hunting, fishing and selling forest products.

 East India Company success from Bengal from Plassey to Buxur.
In India, East India Company or the British was recognized as the trader. Taking advantage of weak political situation of Bengal, the Company tried to grab the political power. In 1757, the Company clashed and defeated the Nawab Serajudaullah of Bengal. This battle had enable Company to acquire political power illegally

The Company again defeated the joint forces of Nawab Shujaudaullah (Oadh), Nawab Mir Qasim (Bengal), and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam; at the battle of Buxur in 1764. This victory had made the company the legal political power of Bengal.


Grant of Diwani and the fate of Bengal.
Mughal Emperor Shah Alam had accepted the defeat at the battle of Buxur. He granted to East India Company, in 1765, the Diwani Rights (power to impose and collect revenue or taxes) over the Subah-e-Bengal. Thus Company became politically and economically superior in Subah-e-Bengal.

Geographical area of Subah-e-Bengal

The Subah–e-Bengal was quite different from the present day Bengal. It included Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha. 

The Subah-e-Bengal had a vast area of Forest Reserve. These forest reserve spreaded over hilly areas. Rajmahal Hills, Jungle Mahal Hills, Daman-e-Koh, Chotanagpur Hills, Paharia Hills were some important hilly areas. 

These forests areas were the homeland of many tribal communities like Santhal, Munda, Kol, Oraon, Bheel, Chuar, Ho, etc.

Role of Christian Missionaries

With the establishment of British rule, the Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread Christianity among The Adivasis. They offered economic and literary aids to spread Christianity. This had alarmed the Adivasis to protect their culture and religion.

Causes of tribal revolution

With the establishment over plains of Bengal, the East India Company was eager to collect revenues from Hilly areas. The Company had tried to exploit the Tribal Community and this had resulted in revolts of Adavisis. These revolts can be viewed as the anger of Adivasis against the exploitation of the Company and its agents. On the basis of the nature of exploitation, these tribal revolts can be analysed into two categories (i) Tribal Revolts before 1865 and (ii) Tribal Revolts after 1865.

(i) Tribal Revolts before 1865:

After 1765, the East India Company organized the political and administrative control over the hilly areas of Bengal. Since the Adivasis had the notion of community ownership of land, the company tried to introduce individual Ownership of land. The zamindari system was introduced within the tribal regions.

The influx of Zamindars had forced Adivasis to pay taxes on their productions. In case of non-payment of taxes, Zamindars seized the lands of Adivasis. These land were auctioned to the non-tribal community (sahukar, Bania, peasants). 

To pay the taxes, the Adivasis took loans on interest from the Sahukar's and Bania's. The rate of interest was too high and the Adivasis were unable to repay loans. As a result, the Adivasis were deprived of their land. Their lands were being sold to non tribal people like Hindu peasant, Muslim peasant and Sikh peasants etc.

The practice of settled agriculture was introduced. Many forest trees were cut down to bring the land under cultivation. This led to the loss of land to the tribal communities. Thus, the tribes were reduced to being landless agricultural labourers. They became bonded labourers under the new economic system.

Traditionally, the tribal society had been a classless and casteless society. With the influx of the non-tribal communities or outsiders (called Dikus), the tribal society was marked with class and caste distinctions. Hence, the tribal people came to be classified under the lowest rungs of society. 

(ii) Tribal Revolts after 1865:

The Indian Teak and Timber were in great demand. These trees were used for making ships and railways. In 1855, the Company passed the law and monopolized the trade of Teak and Timber trees in India. In 1856, the Company appointed the Inspector General of Forest to monitor and forest resources and supervise the activities of the tribal communities.

In 1864, a Forest Department was set up by the government mainly to control the rich resources of Indian forests. The Government Forest Act of 1865 and The Indian Forest Act of 1878 established complete government monopoly over the forested land and resources. There were restrictions imposed on the use of forest produce, on shifting agriculture and on hunting practices. This led to loss of livelihood for the tribal communities. (Government Forest Act of 1865 is also termed as the Indian Forest Act of 1865).

Forest Classification:

According the Indian Forest Act, the forest reserves of India were classified into three categories. (i) Un-Reserved Forest, (ii) Semi-Reserved Forest, (iii) Reserved Forest.

(i) The Forest which had no economically important trees, was classified as Un-Reserved Forest. The tribal communities were allowed to live within the forest. There were no restrictions imposed on the use of forest produce, on shifting agriculture and on hunting practices.

(ii) The Forest which had some economically important trees such as teak and timber, was classified as Semi-Reserved Forest. The tribal communities were allowed to live within the forest and exploit the forest resources of local importance. The portion of forest containing economically important trees and shrubs was kept under the surveillance of company. The local tribal community was driven out of this portion.

(iii) The Forest of India which had rich reserve of economically important trees was categorized under Reserved Forest. These forests were kept under complete surveillance of East India Company. The tribal communities were driven out and were not allowed to exploit the forest resources.


The social and economic exploitations of tribes and the Indian Forest Act had been the bone of contention between the tribal communities and the East India Company. The tribal communities were driven out of their homeland and this had led the hostilities began. Chaur Revolt, Santhal Revolt, Kol Revolt, Bhil Revolt, Ho uprising, and Munda Revolt are the best examples of the tribal revolts.


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1.      Multiple Choice Question.

            (i) By which name the tribal people in India called?
(a)   Tribes  (b) Adivasis     (c) British        (d) None of these
(ii)               Which among the followings was not the occupation of tribal people of India?
(a) Cultivation       (b) Hunting     (c) Racing        (d) fishing.
(iii)             By which name the outsider to tribal community was called?
(a)    Feku    (b) Deku          (c) Diku           (d) None of these
(iv)             'When did the East India Company monopolise the trade of Teak and timber?
(a) 1855     (b) 1856           (c) 1755           (d) 1766
(v)               'When did the East India Company set up the Forest Department?
(a)    1854          (b)1855            (c)1864            (d)1865
(vi)             When did the Government Forest Act Promulgate?
(a)    1855          (b)1856            (c) 1865           (d) 1866
(vii)           By which name the Government Forest Act is also known?
(a)    Indian Forest Act  (b)Indian Reserve Act
(c) British Forest Act  (d) British Reserve Act
(viii)         In how many categories the Indian Forest was categorized by the Indian forest Act?
(a)    Four           b) One (c) Two            (d) Three
(ix)             When the East India Company did introduced the Inspector General of Forest?
(a) 1854           (b) 1855           (c) 1856                       (d) 1857
(x)               When did the Battle of Plassey fought?
(a)    1854    (b)1855            (c)1856            (d)1857
(xi)                When did the Battle of Buxur fought?
(a) 1857     (b)1858            (c)1864            (d)1865
(xii)              When the East India Company did received the Grant of Diwani?
(a)    1854    (b)1855            (c)1864            (d)1865
(xiii)         Who Granted the Diwani right to East India Company
(a)    Mir Qasim       (b) Serajudaulah          (c) Shah Alam             (d) Shujaudaulah

1.      Sort types Question and Answer.

(i) (i) Define the term ‘Adivasi’.

            Ans: The term Adivasi derives from the Hindi word 'adi' which means of earliest times or from the beginning and 'vasi' meaning inhabitant or resident. Generally speaking, people living within forests were termed as the Adivasis or Tribal people.  They used to live in the forest and have their own limited circle in which all their rituals, religions and else works are being practised by them.

(ii)               When and between whom was the battle of Plassey take place?
Ans: The battle of Plassey happened in 1757. It took place between the East India Company and the Nawab Serajudaulah of Bengal.

(iii)             When and between whom was the battle of Buxur take place?
Ans: The battle of Buxur happened in 1764. It took place between the East India Company and joint forces of the Nawab Mir Qasim of Bengal, Nawab Shujaudaulah of Oadh, and Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II.

(iv)             Who granted the Diwani Rights and when?
Ans: The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II granted the Diwani Rights over Subah-e-Bengal to the East India Company.

(v)               When did the Indian Forest Act promulgated?
Ans: The Indian Forest Act was promulgated in 1865. It established monopoly of the Company over the forested land and resources.

(vi)             Into how many category the forest of India was classified under Indian Forest Act?
Ans: The Indian Forest Act of 1865 categorized the forest into three category. (i) Un-Reserved Forest, (ii) Semi-Reserved Forest, and (iii) Reserved Fores

(vii)           The eighteen century Subah-e-Bengal was quite different from present day Bengal.
Ans: The Subah–e-Bengal was quite different from the present day Bengal. It included Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha. 

             (viii) what was the role of Christian Missionaries in tribal revolts. 
             Ans: With the establishment of British rule, the Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread Christianity among The Adivasis. They offered economic and literary aids to spread Christianity. This had alarmed the Adivasis to protect their culture and religion.


2.      Descriptive type Questions?

(i)                 Why the tribal revolts broke during the period of East India Company?

Ans: The Subah–e-Bengal was quite different from the present day Bengal. It included Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand and Odisha. The Subah-e-Bengal had a vast area of Forest Reserve. These forests were the homeland of many tribal communities like Santhal, Munda, Kol, Oraon, Bheel, Chuar etc.

With the establishment, the East India Company was eager to collect revenues as much as possible. They did not hesitate even to impose and collect revenues from the Adivasis or tribal people (who were earlier exempted from paying taxes). The Company had tried to exploit the Tribal Community and this had resulted in revolts of Adavisis. These revolts can be viewed as the anger of Adivasis against the exploitation of the Company and its agents.

With the establishment of British rule, the Christian Missionaries were allowed to spread Christianity among The Adivasis. They offered economic and literary aids to spread Christianity. This had alarmed the Adivasis to protect their culture and religion.


(ii)               Write a short note on Indian Forest Act.

Ans: In 1864, a Forest Department was set up by the government mainly to control the rich resources of Indian forests. The Government Forest Act of 1865 and The Indian Forest Act of 1878 established complete government monopoly over the forested land and resources. There were restrictions imposed on the use of forest produce, on shifting agriculture and on hunting practices. This led to loss of livelihood for the tribal communities.

According the Indian Forest Act, the forest reserves of India were classified into three categories. (i) Un-Reserved Forest, (ii) Semi-Reserved Forest, (iii) Reserved Forest.

(i) The Forest which had no economically important trees, was classified as Un-Reserved Forest. The tribal communities were allowed to live within the forest. There were no restrictions imposed on the use of forest produce, on shifting agriculture and on hunting practices.

(ii) The Forest which had some economically important trees such as teak and timber, was classified as Semi-Reserved Forest. The tribal communities were allowed to live within the forest and exploit the forest resources of local importance. The portion of forest containing economically important trees and shrubs was kept under the surveillance of company. The local tribal community was driven out of this portion.

(iii) The Forest of India which had rich reserve of economically important trees was categorized under Reserved Forest. These forests were kept under complete surveillance of East India Company. The tribal communities were driven out and were not allowed to exploit the forest resources.


Urdu Version

1.  ایک یا دو جملوں میں جواب دیں
(i) لفظ ’آدی با سی‘ کی وضاحت کریں۔
جواب: 'آدی باسی' کی اصطلاح ہندی کے لفظ 'ادی' سے ماخوذ ہے جس کے معنی ابتدائی زمانے کے ہیں 'باسی' کے معنی رہائشی ہوتے ہیں۔  عام زبان میں جنگلوں میں رہنے والے لوگوں کو آدی باسی کہا گیا ہے۔ جگل ہی انکا گھر ہوتا ہے۔ ان کے مذہبی عقاید اور رسومات مختلف ہوتے ہیں۔ ان کا پیشہ کسانی یا کھیتوں میں مزدوری ہوتا ہے۔
(ii)  پلاسی کی جنگ کب اور کس کے مابین ہوئی تھی؟
جواب: پلاسی کی جنگ 1757 میں بنگال کے نواب سیراج الدولہ اور ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کے درمیان ہوی تھی۔
(iii) بکسر کی لڑائی کب اور کس کے مابین ہوئی؟
جواب: بکسر کی جنگ 1764 میں بنگال کے نواب میر قاسم اور ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کے درمیان ہوی تھی۔
(iv) دیوانی کا حق کس نے اور کب عطا کیا؟
جواب: مغل شہنشاہ شاہ عالم دوم نے ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کو صوبہ بنگال سے متعلق دیوانی حقوق دیئے۔ یہ حق 1765  میں عطا کی گیء تھی۔
(v)  ہندوستانی جنگلات کا ایکٹ کب نافذ کیا گیا؟
جواب: ہندوستانی جنگلات ایکٹ کو 1865 میں نافذ کیا گیا۔ اس نے جنگلاتی زمین اور وسائل پر کمپنی کی اجارہ داری قائم کی۔
(vi) ہندوستانی جنگلات کوکتنے حصوں میں منقسم کیا گیا؟
جواب: 1865 کے ہندوستانی جنگل ایکٹ نے جنگل کو تین حصوں میں منقسم کیا تھا۔
(vii) اٹھارویں صدی کا صوبہ بنگال موجودہ بنگال سے بالکل مختلف تھا۔ وضاحت کریں۔
جواب: صوبہ بنگال موجودہ بنگال سے بالکل مختلف تھا۔ اس میں بنگال ، بہار ، جھارکھنڈ اور اڈیشہ شامل تھے۔

 (viii) قبائلی بغاوتوں میں کرسچن مشنریوں کا کیا کردار تھا؟

۔برطانوی حکمرانی کے قیام کے بعد ، کرسچن مشنریوں کو اڈیواسیوں میں عیسائیت پھیلانے کی اجازت دی گئی۔ انہوں نے عیسائیت کو پھیلانے کے لئے معاشی اور ادبی امداد کی پیش کش کی۔ اس نے ادیواسیوں کو اپنی ثقافت اور مذہب کے تحفظ کے لئے خوف زدہ کردیا تھا

.2  مختصر جواب دیں
(i) ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کے دور میں قبائلی بغاوت کیوں برپا ہویء؟
جواب: صوبہ بنگال موجودہ بنگال سے بالکل مختلف تھا۔ اس میں بنگال ، بہار ، جھارکھنڈ اور اڈیشہ شامل تھے۔ اقتدار میں آتے ہی، ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی زیادہ سے زیادہ محصول وصول کرنے کے خواہاں تھی۔ انہونے جنگلوں میں رہنے والے آدی باسیوں کو بھی نہہں بخشا۔  کمپنی نے قبائلی برادری کو ضرورت سے زیادہ استحصال کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ اس کے نتیجے میں آدی باسیوں نے بغاوت بلند کی۔ ان بغاوتوں کو کمپنی اور اس کے ایجنٹوں کے استحصال کے خلاف آدی باسیوں کے غصے کے طور پر دیکھا جاسکتا ہے۔
 برطانوی حکمرانی کے قیام کے بعد ، کرسچن مشنریوں کو اڈیواسیوں میں عیسائیت پھیلانے کی اجازت دی گئی۔ انہوں نے عیسائیت کو پھیلانے کے لئے معاشی اور ادبی امداد کی پیش کش کی۔ اس نے ادیواسیوں کو اپنی ثقافت اور مذہب کے تحفظ کے لئے خوف زدہ کردیا تھا. 

(ii) انڈین فارسٹ ایکٹ پر ایک مختصر نوٹ لکھیں۔
جواب: ہندوستانی جنگلات کے وسایل پر اپنی گرفت مضبوط کرنے کی خاطر ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی نے 1864 میں محکمہ جنگلات کا قیام کیا۔ گورنمنٹ فاریسٹ ایکٹ 1865 اور ہندوستانی جنگل ایکٹ 1878 نے جنگلاتی زمین اور وسائل پر مکمل سرکاری اجارہ داری قائم کی۔ جنگلات کی پیداوار کے استعمال ، زراعت کی تبدیلی اور شکار کے طریقوں پر پابندیاں عائد کی گیء۔ اس کے نتیجے میں قبائلی برادریوں کا معاش ختم ہوگیا۔
ہندوستانی جنگلاتی ایکٹ کے مطابق ہندوستان کے جنگلات کے ذخائر کو تین قسموں میں درجہ بندی کیا گیا تھا۔ (i) غیر محفوظ جنگلات ، (ii) نیم محفوظ جنگلات ، (iii) محفوظ جنگلات۔
(i) جس جنگل میں معاشی لحاظ سے اہم درخت نہیں تھے، انکو غیر محفوظ جنگلات کے طور پر درجہ بند کیا گیا تھا۔ قبائلی برادریوں کو جنگل کے اندر رہنے کی اجازت تھی۔ جنگلات کی پیداوار کے استعمال، زراعت میں تبدیلی اور شکار کے طریقوں پر کوئی پابندی عائد نہیں کی گئی تھی۔
(ii) جس جنگل میں کچھ اقتصادی لحاظ سے اہم درخت تھے جیسے ساگون اور لکڑی ، اسے نیم محفوظ جنگلات کے طور پر درجہ بند کیا گیا تھا۔ قبائلی برادریوں کو جنگل کے اندر رہنے اور مقامی اہمیت کے جنگل کے وسائل سے فائدہ اٹھانے کی اجازت دی گئی تھی۔ جنگل کا وہ حصہ جہاں معاشی اہمیت کے درخت موجود تھے، انہں کمپنی کی نگرانی میں رکھا گیا تھا۔ مقامی قبائلی برادری کو اس حصے سے نکال بایر کیا  گیا۔
(iii) جس جنگل میں معاشی لحاظ سے اہم درختوں کا بھرپور ذخیرہ تھا اسے محفوظ جنگل قرار دیا گیا۔ ان جنگلات کو ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کی مکمل نگرانی میں رکھا گیا تھا۔ قبائلی برادریوں کو ان جنگلات میں رہنے، زخریروں اور وسایل کے استعمال میں پابندی عاید کی گیء۔

Hindi Version

(i)                 'आदिवासी' शब्द को परिभाषित कीजिए।

उत्तर: आदिवासी शब्द की उत्पत्ति हिंदी शब्द 'आदि' से हुई है जिसका अर्थ है आदिकाल या शुरुआत से और 'वासी' का अर्थ निवासी या निवासी है। आम तौर पर, जंगलों के भीतर रहने वाले लोगों को आदिवासी या आदिवासी कहा जाता था। वे जंगल में रहते थे और उनका अपना एक सीमित दायरा होता है जिसमें उनके द्वारा उनके सभी कर्मकांड, धर्म और अन्य कार्यों का अभ्यास किया जाता है।


(ii)               प्लासी का युद्ध कब और किसके बीच हुआ था?

उत्तर: प्लासी की लड़ाई 1757 में हुई थी। यह ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और बंगाल के नवाब सेराजुदौला के बीच हुई थी।


(iii)             बक्सर का युद्ध कब और किसके बीच हुआ था?

उत्तर: बक्सर की लड़ाई 1764 में हुई थी। यह ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी और बंगाल के नवाब मीर कासिम, अवध के नवाब शौजाउद्दौला और मुगल सम्राट शाह आलम द्वितीय की संयुक्त सेना के बीच हुई थी।


(iv)             दीवानी अधिकार किसने और कब प्रदान किया?

उत्तर: मुगल सम्राट शाह आलम द्वितीय ने ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को सूबा-ए-बंगाल पर दीवानी अधिकार प्रदान किया।


(v)               भारतीय वन अधिनियम कब लागू हुआ?

उत्तर: भारतीय वन अधिनियम 1865 में प्रख्यापित किया गया था। इसने वन भूमि और संसाधनों पर कंपनी का एकाधिकार स्थापित किया।


(vi)             भारतीय वन अधिनियम के तहत भारत के वनों को कितनी श्रेणी में वर्गीकृत किया गया था?

उत्तर: १८६५ के भारतीय वन अधिनियम ने वनों को तीन श्रेणियों में वर्गीकृत किया। (i) अनारक्षित वन, (ii) अर्ध-आरक्षित वन, और (iii) आरक्षित वन


(vii)           अठारहवीं सदी का सुबा-ए-बंगाल वर्तमान बंगाल से काफी अलग था। चर्चा?

उत्तर: सुबह-ए-बंगाल वर्तमान बंगाल से काफी अलग था। इसमें बंगाल, बिहार, झारखंड और ओडिशा शामिल थे।

(viii)         आदिवासी विद्रोहों में ईसाई मिशनरियों की क्या भूमिका थी?

उत्तर: ब्रिटिश शासन की स्थापना के साथ, ईसाई मिशनरियों को आदिवासियों के बीच ईसाई धर्म फैलाने की अनुमति दी गई। उन्होंने ईसाई धर्म के प्रसार के लिए आर्थिक और साहित्यिक सहायता की पेशकश की। इसने आदिवासियों को अपनी संस्कृति और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए चिंतित कर दिया था।


1.      Descriptive type Questions?

(i)        ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की अवधि के दौरान आदिवासी विद्रोह क्यों टूटा?

उत्तर: सुबह-ए-बंगाल वर्तमान बंगाल से काफी अलग था। इसमें बंगाल, बिहार, झारखंड और ओडिशा शामिल थे। सूबा-ए-बंगाल में वन अभ्यारण्य का एक विशाल क्षेत्र था। ये जंगल कई आदिवासी समुदायों जैसे संथाल, मुंडा, कोल, उरांव, भील, चुआर आदि की मातृभूमि थे।


स्थापना के साथ, ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी जितना संभव हो सके राजस्व एकत्र करने के लिए उत्सुक थी। वे आदिवासियों या आदिवासी लोगों (जिन्हें पहले करों का भुगतान करने से छूट दी गई थी) से राजस्व लगाने और एकत्र करने में भी संकोच नहीं किया। कंपनी ने आदिवासी समुदाय का शोषण करने की कोशिश की थी और इसके परिणामस्वरूप आदिवासियों के विद्रोह हुए थे। इन विद्रोहों को कंपनी और उसके एजेंटों के शोषण के खिलाफ आदिवासियों के गुस्से के रूप में देखा जा सकता है।


ब्रिटिश शासन की स्थापना के साथ, ईसाई मिशनरियों को आदिवासियों के बीच ईसाई धर्म का प्रसार करने की अनुमति दी गई। उन्होंने ईसाई धर्म के प्रसार के लिए आर्थिक और साहित्यिक सहायता की पेशकश की। इसने आदिवासियों को अपनी संस्कृति और धर्म की रक्षा के लिए चिंतित कर दिया था।


(ii)       भारतीय वन अधिनियम पर एक संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी लिखिए।

उत्तर: 1864 में, मुख्य रूप से भारतीय वनों के समृद्ध संसाधनों को नियंत्रित करने के लिए सरकार द्वारा एक वन विभाग की स्थापना की गई थी। 1865 के सरकारी वन अधिनियम और 1878 के भारतीय वन अधिनियम ने वन भूमि और संसाधनों पर पूर्ण सरकारी एकाधिकार स्थापित किया। वनोपज के उपयोग, स्थान परिवर्तन कृषि और शिकार प्रथाओं पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिए गए थे। इससे आदिवासी समुदायों के लिए आजीविका का नुकसान हुआ।


भारतीय वन अधिनियम के अनुसार, भारत के वन भंडार को तीन श्रेणियों में वर्गीकृत किया गया था। (i) अनारक्षित वन, (ii) अर्ध-आरक्षित वन, (iii) आरक्षित वन।


(i) जिस वन में आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण पेड़ नहीं थे, उसे अनारक्षित वन के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया था। आदिवासी समुदायों को जंगल के भीतर रहने की अनुमति थी। वनोपज के उपयोग, स्थानान्तरण कृषि और शिकार प्रथाओं पर कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं लगाया गया था।


(ii) जिस वन में कुछ आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण पेड़ जैसे सागौन और लकड़ी थे, उसे अर्ध-आरक्षित वन के रूप में वर्गीकृत किया गया था। आदिवासी समुदायों को जंगल के भीतर रहने और स्थानीय महत्व के वन संसाधनों का दोहन करने की अनुमति दी गई थी। आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण पेड़ों और झाड़ियों वाले जंगल के हिस्से को कंपनी की निगरानी में रखा गया था। स्थानीय आदिवासी समुदाय को इस हिस्से से बाहर कर दिया गया था।


(iii) भारत का वह वन जिसके पास आर्थिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण वृक्षों का समृद्ध भंडार था, उसे आरक्षित वन के अंतर्गत वर्गीकृत किया गया था। इन जंगलों को ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की पूरी निगरानी में रखा गया था। आदिवासी समुदायों को खदेड़ दिया गया और उन्हें वन संसाधनों का दोहन करने की अनुमति नहीं दी गई।



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