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Dual Government

 Diarchy (Dual) Government:

Dual Government

The East India Company received the Diwani rights over Bengal, Bihar and Odissa from Mughal. Robert Clive devised the system called the Double Government. The system was introduced by Clive as he found it necessary.

1. Through the grant of Diwani the East India Company obtained extensive powers – (a) Collection of revenue and (b) to administer civil justice. But Clive thought it rightly that the English had not the means and experience to shoulder such administrative responsibility. This necessitated the introduction of the Double Government.

2 Clive wanted to camouflage or hide the enormous power that the English obtained in Bengal through the grant of Diwani. For, the virtual mastery of the English could incur the displeasure of other European traders.

3 Company's Home government (in London) was only interested in extracting money, and was not at all interested in taking over the administrative responsibility. These were some of the reasons why Double Government was introduced by Clive in 1765.


What was the Double (Dual) Government (or Diarchy)?

Dual government was introduced by Robert Clive in Bengal in 1765 and it was continued till 1772. Under the system of Double Government the same person was appointed in the dual capacity of 'Naib-Diwan' (or Deputy Diwan) and 'Naib-Nazim' (or Deputy Nazim). It signified the fact that the same person acted in Bengal as the 'Naib-Diwan' on behalf of the English; and as 'Naib-Nazim' on behalf of the Nawab. This virtual unity of the two branches of the provincial administration under the control of the English is popularly known as the Diarchy or 'Double Government'.


Significance of the Double Government:

The English derived much benefit out of this system of administration introduced by Robert Clive. By the time Diarchy was discontinued, much damage was done to Bengal and her people. The evil effects of the Diarchy may be summed up in the following words:

1. The scheme of Dual Government as devised by Clive proved ineffective from the very beginning.

2. The system brought immense suffering to the cultivators of Bengal. They were subjected to coercion by the revenue officials of the government controlled by the Company.

3. The servants of the Company monopolized trade and commerce of Bengal. Also they forced the weavers to sell the cotton-goods at a price even lower than the cost of production.

4. The East India Company considered the Double Government to be a legal permit to milk the country out.

5. The abuses of the Dual Government manifested itself in the worst form in the Great Famine of 1770 in Bengal.


 Results of the Double Government:

The Double Government introduced by Robert Clive impacted Bengal and her people in various ways. The Double Government was of great advantage to the English. They controlled the finance of Bengal and its army directly, and its administration indirectly. The Nawab and his officials had the responsibility of administration, but not the power to discharge it. Thus the Double Government ensured power without responsibility for the English, and responsibility without power for the Nawab of Bengal.

2 The Nawab of Bengal lost all control over the administration of the province. The English virtually became the master of Bengal.

3 The Company's servants made the life of the peasants miserable by extracting money by hook or by crook. The condition of the people of the country was worsening than what it had been before.

4. As the private trade of the servants of the Company reached its peak during the period of the Double Government, the condition of the Indian merchants deteriorated rapidly. The native merchants were unable to compete with the English traders in the market.

5. Bengal had been a famous centre of textile industry. But on account of the stern policies of the English the industry was ruined completely. The English merchants harassed the textile manufacturers so much that they either opted out for a different profession or left Bengal for good.

The Double Government was directly responsible for the Great Famine that hit Bengal in 1770. In the famine two-third of the population of Bengal was ravaged. Subsequently, not many farmers were available for tilling the soil. The Double Government came to an end in 1772 with the coming of Warren Hastings as the Governor General of Bengal. The Regulating Act of 1773 also endorsed the end of the Dual Government.


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1.      Multiple Choice Question.

(i) Who introduced Dyarchy in Bengal?
  (a)   Robert Clive    (b) Hastings                 (c) Mir Qasim              (d) Mir Jafer
(ii)  The Dual Government or Dyarchy was introduced in the year
(a) 1764     (b) 1765           (c) 1766           (d) 1767
(iii)  Who was appointed the Nawab of Bengal after the battle of Buxur
(a) Robert Clive    (b) Hastings                 (c) Mir Qasim              (d) Mir Jafer
(iv)   When the Famine broke out in Bengal?
(a) 1764     (b) 1765           (c) 1769           (d) 1700
(v) Who abolished Dyarchy or Dual Government of Bengal?
(a) Robert Clive    (b) Hastings                 (c) Mir Qasim              (d) Mir Jafer
(vi)  The Dyarchy or Dual Government was abolished in the year.
(a) 1769     (b) 1700           (c) 1772           (d) 1773
(vii) By which act the Dyarchy was abolished?
(a) Regulating Act 1773               (b) Regulating Act 1784
(c) Charter Act 1784                     (d) Charter Act 1813
(viii)  Who became the first Governor General of Bengal
(a) Robert Clive    (b) Hastings                 (c) Mir Qasim              (d) Mir Jafer

Answer in one or two sentences

Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?

Ans: According to Regulating Act 1773, Warren Hastings became the first Governor General of Bengal.


Q2: Who started Dual Government and when?

Ans. Lord Clive started the Dual Government in Bengal in 1772.


Q3: When did a famine broke out in Bengal?
Ans: In 1770 a Famine broke out in Bengal.

 Q4: What was Dual Government?

Ans: Under the system of Double Government the same person was appointed in the dual capacity of 'Naib-Diwan' (or Deputy Diwan) and 'Naib-Nazim' (or Deputy Nazim). It signified the fact that the same person acted in Bengal as the 'Naib-Diwan' on behalf of the English; and as 'Naib-Nazim' on behalf of the Nawab. This virtual unity of the two branches of the provincial administration under the control of the English is popularly known as the Diarchy or 'Double Government'.

3. Descriptive Question.

Q1: Describe the significance of battle of Plassey? What was the significance of grant of Diwani to the East India Company?

Ans. The battle of Plassey was fought between the Nawab of Bengal and the East India Company. It was fought in the year 1757. This battle was more a skirmish rather than a contesting war. Clive did not encounter any challenge from Siraj's side. Yet it is one of the most important battles ever fought in India.

(a) The Plassey confirmed the superiority of the English soldiers and brought to the fore the weakness of the natives.

(b) The battle of Palashi was a grand diplomatic victory of Clive.

(c) The English become virtually the master of Bengal after their victory in this battle. The Nawab of Bengal became eventually a puppet in their hands.

(d) During the post-Palashi period the English drained so much of wealth out of Bengal that her economy was completely shattered. This drain of wealth from Bengal is known as the 'Palashi Plunder'.

(e) The political significance of the battle of Palashi is no less important. With the wealth thus plundered the English not only had done business, they also waged war and won battles.

(f) It has been pointed out by Professor Sushil Chaudhury that the provision of the treaty signed between the English and Mir Jafar after Palashi, was that the enemies of the enemies of the English were to be treated by Mr. Jafar as his enemies as well.

At the battle of Buxur, 1764, the Indian Alliance (Nawab of Bengal and Oadh and Mughal Emperor) was defeated against the East India Company. The Mughal Emperor Shah Alam II had to surrender. He granted the Diwani rights of Bengal, Bihar and Odissa to the East India Company in 1765. This was an extremely significant event in the history of British rule in India.

1. Legitimacy of English position in Bengal: Even before the Battle of Buxar, the East India Company exerted considerable political and economic influence in Bengal. However, there was no legal basis for their actions. The Mughal emperor was legally the highest ruler of the land. When the Company received the right of Diwani, from the Mughal emperor himself, this gave them legal rights of administration in Bengal. Hence, from being mere traders, they now became administrators with political powers in India.

2. The reduction of the power of the Nawab: Though the Nawab still had administrative duties and the right to carry out criminal justice, he had no economic powers. On the other hand, though the Company had acquired the right to revenue collection in Bengal, it did not accept any administrative duties. Thus, the Nawab was left with responsibilities without rights, and the English enjoyed rights without responsibilities.

3. Accumulation of wealth: The wealth of the East India Company now increased tremendously. They collected the huge revenues of Bengal and used this wealth for their commerce, the expansion of their territories and even for building up their army. They even bought all their goods in India with this money. Now, no capital was exported from England to India anymore. But India's wealth was drained from her shores and sent to their mother country.

4. Legal rights to collect revenue: The Company now had the legal right to collect the revenue of Bengal.

5. Increase in the Company's prestige: The acquisition of the Diwani gave the Company a lot of prestige in the eyes of the Nawab and courtiers of other states as well as among the common people.



Q2: What was Dyarchy? Discuss its significance and results.

Dual government was introduced by Robert Clive in Bengal in 1765 and it was continued till 1772. Under the system of Double Government the same person was appointed in the dual capacity of 'Naib-Diwan' (or Deputy Diwan) and 'Naib-Nazim' (or Deputy Nazim). It signified the fact that the same person acted in Bengal as the 'Naib-Diwan' on behalf of the English; and as 'Naib-Nazim' on behalf of the Nawab. This virtual unity of the two branches of the provincial administration under the control of the English is popularly known as the Diarchy or 'Double Government'.


Significance of the Double Government:

The English derived much benefit out of this system of administration introduced by Robert Clive. By the time Diarchy was discontinued, much damage was done to Bengal and her people. The evil effects of the Diarchy may be summed up in the following words:

1. The scheme of Dual Government as devised by Clive proved ineffective from the very beginning.

2. The system brought immense suffering to the cultivators of Bengal. They were subjected to coercion by the revenue officials of the government controlled by the Company.

3. The servants of the Company monopolized trade and commerce of Bengal. Also they forced the weavers to sell the cotton-goods at a price even lower than the cost of production.

4. The East India Company considered the Double Government to be a legal permit to milk the country out.

5. The abuses of the Dual Government manifested itself in the worst form in the Great Famine of 1770 in Bengal.


 Results of the Double Government:

The Double Government introduced by Robert Clive impacted Bengal and her people in various ways. The Double Government was of great advantage to the English. They controlled the finance of Bengal and its army directly, and its administration indirectly. The Nawab and his officials had the responsibility of administration, but not the power to discharge it. Thus the Double Government ensured power without responsibility for the English, and responsibility without power for the Nawab of Bengal.

2 The Nawab of Bengal lost all control over the administration of the province. The English virtually became the master of Bengal.

3 The Company's servants made the life of the peasants miserable by extracting money by hook or by crook. The condition of the people of the country was worsening than what it had been before.

4. As the private trade of the servants of the Company reached its peak during the period of the Double Government, the condition of the Indian merchants deteriorated rapidly. The native merchants were unable to compete with the English traders in the market.

5. Bengal had been a famous centre of textile industry. But on account of the stern policies of the English the industry was ruined completely. The English merchants harassed the textile manufacturers so much that they either opted out for a different profession or left Bengal for good.

The Double Government was directly responsible for the Great Famine that hit Bengal in 1770. In the famine two-third of the population of Bengal was ravaged. Subsequently, not many farmers were available for tilling the soil. The Double Government came to an end in 1772 with the coming of Warren Hastings as the Governor General of Bengal. The Regulating Act of 1773 also endorsed the end of the Dual Government.

Hindi Version

      2. Answer in one or two sentences

Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?

उत्तर: रेगुलेटिंग एक्ट 1773 के अनुसार वारेन हेस्टिंग्स बंगाल के पहले गवर्नर जनरल बने।

Q2: Who started Dual Government and when?

उत्तर। लॉर्ड क्लाइव ने 1772 में बंगाल में दोहरी सरकार की शुरुआत की।

Q3: When did a famine broke out in Bengal?

Ans: In 1770 a Famine broke out in Bengal.

Q4: What was Dual Government?

उत्तर: दोहरी सरकार की प्रणाली के तहत एक ही व्यक्ति को 'नायब-दीवान' (या उप दीवान) और 'नायब-नाज़िम' (या उप नाज़िम) की दोहरी क्षमता में नियुक्त किया गया था। यह इस तथ्य को दर्शाता है कि उसी व्यक्ति ने बंगाल में अंग्रेजों की ओर से 'नायब-दीवान' के रूप में कार्य किया; और नवाब की ओर से 'नायब-नाज़िम' के रूप में। अंग्रेजी के नियंत्रण में प्रांतीय प्रशासन की दो शाखाओं की इस आभासी एकता को लोकप्रिय रूप से द्वैध शासन या 'दोहरी सरकार' के रूप में जाना जाता है।

3. Descriptive Question.

Q1: Describe the significance of battle of Plassey? What was the significance of grant of Diwani to the East India Company?

उत्तर। प्लासी की लड़ाई बंगाल के नवाब और ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के बीच लड़ी गई थी। यह वर्ष १७५७ में लड़ा गया था। यह लड़ाई लड़ने वाले युद्ध के बजाय अधिक झड़प थी। सिराज की ओर से क्लाइव को किसी चुनौती का सामना नहीं करना पड़ा। फिर भी यह भारत में अब तक लड़ी गई सबसे महत्वपूर्ण लड़ाइयों में से एक है।
(ए) प्लासी ने अंग्रेजी सैनिकों की श्रेष्ठता की पुष्टि की और मूल निवासियों की कमजोरी को सामने लाया।
(बी) पलाशी की लड़ाई क्लाइव की एक भव्य कूटनीतिक जीत थी।
(c) इस युद्ध में जीत के बाद अंग्रेज वस्तुतः बंगाल के स्वामी बन गए। बंगाल का नवाब अंततः उनके हाथों की कठपुतली बन गया।
(d) पलाशी के बाद के काल में अंग्रेजों ने बंगाल से इतनी संपत्ति निकाल ली कि उसकी अर्थव्यवस्था पूरी तरह से चरमरा गई। बंगाल से धन के इस नाले को 'पलाशी लूट' के नाम से जाना जाता है।
(e) पलाशी के युद्ध का राजनीतिक महत्व भी कम महत्वपूर्ण नहीं है। इस प्रकार लूटी गई संपत्ति से अंग्रेजों ने न केवल व्यापार किया, बल्कि युद्ध भी किया और युद्ध भी जीते।
(च) प्रोफेसर सुशील चौधरी द्वारा यह बताया गया है कि पलाशी के बाद अंग्रेजों और मीर जाफर के बीच हस्ताक्षरित संधि का प्रावधान यह था कि अंग्रेजों के दुश्मनों के दुश्मनों को श्री जाफर द्वारा अपने दुश्मन के रूप में माना जाना था। कुंआ।

1764 में बक्सर की लड़ाई में, भारतीय गठबंधन (बंगाल के नवाब और ओध और मुगल सम्राट) ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के खिलाफ हार गए थे। मुगल बादशाह शाह आलम द्वितीय को आत्मसमर्पण करना पड़ा। उन्होंने 1765 में ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को बंगाल, बिहार और उड़ीसा के दीवानी अधिकार प्रदान किए। यह भारत में ब्रिटिश शासन के इतिहास में एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण घटना थी।

1. बंगाल में अंग्रेजी की स्थिति की वैधता: बक्सर की लड़ाई से पहले भी, ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने बंगाल में काफी राजनीतिक और आर्थिक प्रभाव डाला। हालांकि, उनके कार्यों का कोई कानूनी आधार नहीं था। मुगल सम्राट कानूनी रूप से देश का सर्वोच्च शासक था। जब कंपनी को स्वयं मुगल सम्राट से दीवानी का अधिकार प्राप्त हुआ, तो इसने उन्हें बंगाल में प्रशासन के कानूनी अधिकार दिए। इसलिए, केवल व्यापारी होने से, वे अब भारत में राजनीतिक शक्तियों के साथ प्रशासक बन गए।

2. नवाब की शक्ति में कमी: हालांकि नवाब के पास अभी भी प्रशासनिक कर्तव्य और आपराधिक न्याय करने का अधिकार था, लेकिन उसके पास कोई आर्थिक शक्ति नहीं थी। दूसरी ओर, हालांकि कंपनी ने बंगाल में राजस्व संग्रह का अधिकार हासिल कर लिया था, लेकिन उसने किसी भी प्रशासनिक कर्तव्यों को स्वीकार नहीं किया। इस प्रकार, नवाब को अधिकारों के बिना जिम्मेदारियों के साथ छोड़ दिया गया था, और अंग्रेजों को जिम्मेदारियों के बिना अधिकार प्राप्त थे।

3. धन का संचय: ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी की संपत्ति में अब जबरदस्त वृद्धि हुई। उन्होंने बंगाल के विशाल राजस्व को एकत्र किया और इस धन का उपयोग अपने वाणिज्य, अपने क्षेत्रों के विस्तार और यहां तक ​​कि अपनी सेना के निर्माण के लिए भी किया। उन्होंने इस पैसे से अपना सारा सामान भारत में खरीद लिया। अब, इंग्लैंड से भारत को कोई पूंजी निर्यात नहीं की जाती थी। लेकिन भारत के धन को उसके तटों से निकाल कर उनकी मातृभूमि को भेज दिया गया।

4. राजस्व एकत्र करने का कानूनी अधिकार: कंपनी के पास अब बंगाल का राजस्व एकत्र करने का कानूनी अधिकार था।
5. कंपनी की प्रतिष्ठा में वृद्धि: दीवानी के अधिग्रहण ने कंपनी को नवाब और अन्य राज्यों के दरबारियों के साथ-साथ आम लोगों के बीच बहुत प्रतिष्ठा दी।

Urdu Version

     2. Answer in one or two sentences

Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?

1773 کے ریگولیٹنگ ایکٹ کے مطابق وارن ہسٹنگس بنگال کے پہلے گورنر جنرل بنے۔

Q2: Who started Dual Government and when?

بنگال میں دوہری حکمت عملی کی شروعات رابرٹ کلیو نے 1765 میں کی تھی۔

Q3: When did a famine broke out in Bengal?

بنگال میں ایک قحط سال 1770 میں رونما ہوی تھی۔

Q4: What was Dual Government?

جواب: ڈبل گورنمنٹ کے نظام کے تحت ایک ہی شخص کو 'نائب دیوان' (یا نائب دیوان) اور 'نائب ناظم' (یا نائب ناظم) کی دوہری صلاحیت پر مقرر کیا گیا۔ اس نے اس حقیقت کی نشاندہی کی کہ اسی شخص نے بنگال میں انگریزوں کی جانب سے 'نائب دیوان' کے طور پر کام کیا۔ اور نواب کی طرف سے بطور نائب ناظم۔ انگریزی کے کنٹرول میں صوبائی انتظامیہ کی دو شاخوں کا یہ مجازی اتحاد ڈائرکی یا ڈبل گورنمنٹ کے نام سے مشہور ہے۔

3. Descriptive Question.

Q1: Describe the significance of the battle of Plassey. What was significance of Grant of Diwani?

جواب: پلاسی کی جنگ بنگال کے نواب بنگال اور ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کے درمیان لڑی گئی۔ یہ لڑائی 1757 میں لڑی گئی تھی۔ رابرٹ کلائیو کو سراج کی طرف سے کسی خاس مزہمت کا سامنا نہیں کرنا پڑا۔ پھر بھی یہ ہندوستان میں لڑی جانے والی سب سے اہم لڑائیوں میں سے ایک ہے۔

(a) پلاسی نے انگریزی فوج کی برتری کی تصدیق کی اور مقامی راجاوں کی کمزوری کو ثابے کیا۔

(b) پلاشی کی جنگ کلائیو کی عظیم سفارتی فتح تھی۔

(c) انگریز اس جنگ میں فتح کے بعد عملی طور پر بنگال کا مالک بن گیا۔ بنگال کا نواب بالآخر ان کے ہاتھوں میں کٹھ پتلی بن گیا۔

(d) پلاشی کے بعد کے دور میں انگریزوں نے بنگال سے اتنی دولت نکالی کہ بنگال اس کی معیشت مکمل طور پر بکھر گئی۔ بنگال سے دولت کے اس نکاسی کو 'پلاشی لوٹنا' کہا جاتا ہے۔

(e) پلاشی کی لڑائی کی سیاسی اہمیت کم اہم نہیں ہے۔ اس طرح لوٹی گئی دولت سے انگریزوں نے نہ صرف کاروبار کیا بلکہ انہوں نے جنگ بھی کی اور لڑائیاں بھی جیتیں۔

(f) پروفیسر سشیل چودھری نے نشاندہی کی کہ پلاشی کے بعد انگریز اور میر جعفر کے درمیان معاہدہ طے ہوا۔ اس کے مطابق انگریزوں کے دشمنوں کے نواب میر جعفر بھی اپنا دشمن تسلیم کرینگے۔ 


1764 میںؓ بکسر کی جنگ لڑی گی۔ اس جنگ کو لڑنے کی خاطر بنگال کے نواب میر قاسم نے ایک اتحاد قایم کیا۔ اس اتحاد میں اودھ کے نواب شجاوالدولہ اور مغل شہنشاہ شاہ عالم بھی شامل تھیں۔ لیکن اس جنگ میں ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کو فتح حاصل ہوی۔ مغل بادشاہ شاہ عالم دوم کو ہتھیار ڈالنے پڑے۔ انہوں نے 1765 میں ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کو بنگال ، بہار اور اڈیشہ کے دیوانی حقوق دیئے۔ یہ ہندوستان میں برطانوی راج کی تاریخ کا ایک انتہائی اہم واقعہ تھا۔ دیوانی کے حصول نے کمپنی کو نواب اور دیگر ریاستوں کے درباریوں کے ساتھ ساتھ عام لوگوں کی نظر میں بھی بہت عزت دی۔

1. کمپنی کی عزت افزای: بکسر کی جنگ سے پہلے بھی، ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی نے بنگال میں کافی سیاسی اور معاشی اثر و رسوخ قائم کیا۔ تاہم، ان کے اعمال کی کوئی قانونی بنیاد نہیں تھی۔ مغل بادشاہ قانونی طور پر زمین کا اعلیٰ ترین حکمران تھا۔ جب کمپنی نے دیوانی کا حق خود مغل بادشاہ سے حاصل کیا تو اس سے انہیں بنگال میں انتظامیہ کے قانونی حقوق مل گئے۔ لہذا، محض تاجر ہونے سے، اب وہ ہندوستان میں سیاسی طاقتوں کے ساتھ منتظم بن گئے۔

2. نواب کے اختیار میں کمی: اگرچہ نواب کے پاس انتظامی فرائض اور مجرمانہ انصاف کرنے کا حق تھا، لیکن اس کے پاس کوئی معاشی اختیارات نہیں تھے۔ دوسری طرف، اگرچہ کمپنی نے بنگال میں آمدنی جمع کرنے کا حق حاصل کر لیا تھا، لیکن اس نے کوئی انتظامی ذمہ داری قبول نہیں کی۔ اس طرح، نواب کو بغیر حقوق کے ذمہ داریاں چھوڑ دی گئیں، اور انگریزوں کو ذمہ داریوں کے بغیر حقوق حاصل ہوئے۔

3. دولت کا جمع ہونا: ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کی دولت میں اب زبردست اضافہ ہوا ہے۔ انہوں نے بنگال سے بھاری آمدنی جمع کی اور اس دولت کو اپنی تجارت، اپنے علاقوں کی توسیع اور یہاں تک کہ اپنی فوج کی تعمیر کے لیے استعمال کیا۔ یہاں تک کہ انہوں نے اس رقم سے ہندوستان میں اپنا تمام سامان خریدا۔ اب، انگلینڈ سے ہندوستان کو کوئی سرمایہ برآمد نہیں کیا گیا۔ لیکن ہندوستان کی دولت اس کے ساحلوں سے نکالی گئی اور اپنے مادر وطن کو بھیج دی گئی۔

4. محصول وصول کرنے کے قانونی حقوق: کمپنی کو اب بنگال کا محصول وصول کرنے کا قانونی حق حاصل تھا۔


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