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Regulating Act 1773

 INSTRUMENTS OF CONTROL –Regulating Act 1773

Regulating Act 1773

Establishment of British Parliamentary Control:

From the very beginning the British Government was reaping benefits from the Indian empire built up by the East India Company. But the development after the battle of Palashi revealed that corruption was rampant amongst the servants of the Company. Besides, there was problem regarding the administration of the British possession in India. The chaotic situation brought about by the misgovernance of the Company roused the public opinion in England. Even the members of the British Parliament did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction about the matter. In such a situation the British Government also became seriously concerned about the affairs of the Company. It was felt that the British Government could not remain mere a spectator to the existing abuses. In this context the British government decided to control the basic policies of the Company's administration. The result was the enactment of a Parliamentary Acts.


Regulating Act (1773):

With a view to regulating the activities of the Company in India the Regulating Act was passed in 1773 by the British Parliament. This was the first direct interference made by the British Government in the affairs of India. From that time onwards parliamentary acts were passed in regular intervals to control the affairs of the Company. The important provisions of the Act were as follows.

(i) The Regulating Act made changes in the constitution of the Court of Directors of the Company in London. Henceforth the Court of Directors was to lay before the British Government all correspondence relating to civil and military affairs and revenues of India.

(ii) The head of the Company's establishment in Calcutta was so far called 'Governor of Bengal'. By the Regulating Act his new designation was 'Governor General of Bengal'. Warren Hastings who came to India as the Governor of Bengal now became the first Governor-General of Bengal (1773).

(iii) The Governor-General was to have a Council (Governor-General in Council) of four members. The Governor-General and his Council were given power to superintend and control the Bombay and Madras Presidencies in matters of war and peace.

(iv) For dispensation of justice to Company's officials and their employees the Act provided for the establishment of a Supreme Court at Calcutta (present Kolkata). The very next year (1774) for the first time Supreme Court was established in Calcutta with Elijah Impey as the Chief Justice.


 Shortcomings of the Regulating Act:

The Regulating Act suffered from various defects. The Act ultimately proved itself to be hollow because it virtually did not work when it was put into operation. However, the defects were as follows:

1. Disharmony in the Council: As per the provision of the Act the Governor General's Council was to have four members. But the Council could not function properly because of the disharmony amongst its members. Majority of the members were opposed to Warren Hastings. Thus smooth functioning of the administration became impossible.

2. Supervision on other Presidencies: The Act gave the Governor-General and its Council the power of supervision over the Presidencies of Bombay and Madras in matters of war or peace except in emergency cases. Taking advantage of the emergency situation' the heads of Bombay and Madras virtually took decisions on their own.

3. Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court: A Supreme Court was established at Calcutta as per the provision of the Regulating Act. But its jurisdiction was not at all specified. This resulted in serious conflicts between competing authorities. Another serious problem regarding the Supreme Court was that the Act did not specify which law — Indian or English the Court was to administer and enforce.

4. Maharaja Nanda Kumar Case: The anomaly created by the Regulating Act regarding the Supreme Court was revealed in the famous Maharajah Nanda Kumar Case. Nanda Kumar was a Brahmin by caste and the ex-Diwan of Murshidabad. He was charged with committing forgery. The Supreme Court awarded him Capital punishment as per the British Law in vogue at that time. But in India a Brahmin could not be sentenced to death for such an offence. This created discontent in Bengal. The award of capital punishment was described as a judicial murder'.

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1.      1. Multiple Choice Question.
(i)    Which among the following was the first instrument of control by British Parliamentary?
       (a)   Regulating Act 1773               (b) Regulating Act 1784        
      (c) Pits India Act                          (d) Charter Act 1813
(ii)    The Regulating Act passed by the British in the year
     (a) 1772     (b) 1773           (c) 1774           (d) 1775
(iii)  Regulating Act 1773 created the post of  
     (a) Governor of Bengal                             (b) Governor General             
     (c) Governor General of Bengal               (d) Governor General of India
(iv)  Who became the first Governor General of Bengal by Regulating Act 1773?
     (a) Robert Clive    (b) Lord Dalhousie      (c) Lord Bentinck       (d) Warren Hastings
(v) How many members were there in the Governor General Council in 1773?
     (a) 4           (b) 3                 (c) 2                 (d) 1
(vi) Which one among the followings court was created by the Regulating Act 1773.
    (a) Supreme Court of Madras       (b) Supreme Court of Bombay
    (c) Supreme Court of Calcutta      (d) Court of Calcutta
(vii)  In which year the Supreme Court of Calcutta established?
    (a) 1773                 (b) 1774           (c) 1784       (d) 1785
(viii)   Who was the first Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Calcutta?
    (a) Robert Clive    (b) Hastings      (c) Elija Impey            (d) Mc Cafe

2. Answers in two or three sentences.
 Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?
 Ans: According to Regulating Act 1773, Warren Hastings became the first Governor General of Bengal.
Q2: Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British India? (H.S.2018]
Ans. Sir Elija Impey was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British India in Calcutta.
Q3: By which Act was the Supreme Court of Calcutta established? (H.S.2017]
Ans. The Supreme Court of Calcutta was established by the Regulating Act of 1773 AD.
Q4: What was Nand Kumar case?
Ans: Nanda Kumar was a Brahmin by caste and the ex-Diwan of Murshidabad. He was charged with committing forgery. The Supreme Court awarded him Capital punishment as per the British Law in vogue at that time. But in India a Brahmin could not be sentenced to death for such an offence. The award of capital punishment was described as a judicial murder'.

 Hindi Version

     2. दो या तीन वाक्यों में उत्तर।
  Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?
       उत्तर: रेगुलेटिंग एक्ट 1773 के अनुसार वारेन हेस्टिंग्स बंगाल के पहले गवर्नर जनरल बने।

 Q2: Who started Dual Government and when?
     उत्तर। सर एलिजा इम्पे कलकत्ता में ब्रिटिश भारत के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के पहले मुख्य   न्यायाधीश थे।

  Q3: When did a famine broke out in Bengal?
उत्तर। कलकत्ता के सर्वोच्च न्यायालय की स्थापना 1773 ई. के रेगुलेटिंग एक्ट द्वारा की गई थी।

  Q4: What was Dual Government?
 उत्तर: नंद कुमार जाति से ब्राह्मण थे और मुर्शिदाबाद के पूर्व दीवान थे। उस पर जालसाजी करने का आरोप लगाया गया था। उस समय प्रचलित ब्रिटिश कानून के अनुसार सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने उन्हें मृत्युदंड से सम्मानित किया। लेकिन भारत में एक ब्राह्मण को इस तरह के अपराध के लिए मौत की सजा नहीं दी जा सकती थी। मौत की सजा के पुरस्कार को न्यायिक हत्या के रूप में वर्णित किया गया था।

 Descriptive Question.

Q1: Write a short note the Regulating Act 1773? Discuss its drawbacks?

Urdu Version

   2۔ دو یا تین جملوں میں جوابات۔

Q1: Who and when became the first Governor General of Bengal?

1773                کے ریگولیٹنگ ایکٹ کے مطابق وارن ہسٹنگس بنگال کے پہلے گورنر جنرل بنے۔

Q2: Who was the first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of British India?

کلکتہ سپریم کورٹ کے پہلے چیف جسٹس سر الیجا امپے تھے۔


Q3: By which Act was the Supreme Court of Calcutta established? (H.S.2017]

کلکتہ سپریم کورٹ کی تکمیل   میں 1773

Q4: What was Nand Kumar case?

جواب: نندا کمار ذات کے اعتبار سے برہمن اور مرشد آباد کے سابق دیوان تھے۔ اس پر جعل سازی کا الزام عائد کیا گیا تھا۔  کلکتہ کے سپریم کورٹ نے اسے برطانوی قانون کے مطابق سزائے موت دی۔ لیکن ہندوستان میں ایک برہمن کو اس طرح کے جرم میں سزائے موت نہیں دی جا سکتی۔ لہازہ سزائے موت کے اس فیصلے کو عدالتی قتل قرار دیا گیا۔



 Descriptive Question.
Q1: Write a short note the Regulating Act 1773? Discuss its drawbacks?

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