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Common Errors in the use of Preposition

 Common Errors in the use of Preposition


Common Errors in the use of Preposition


  Preposition is small and important words. The use of correct preposition can influence the quality of information in spoken English. Preposition tells reader when, where and how something occurred. Prepositions in English Grammar perform so many functions that their tone causes quite a bit of confusion. In this lesson, I will explain some correct methods for using prepositions. Learn extensive list of most common mistakes with prepositions in English and how to avoid them with example sentences.

  * Verbs such as Love, enter, resemble, lack, discuss, marry, reach, order and approach are normally followed by direct objects without prepositions.


Incorrect: She loves with me.

Correct: She loves me.


Incorrect: We discussed about the matter.

Correct: We discussed the matter.


Incorrect: We reached at the railway station at 6 pm.

Correct: We reached the railway station at 6 pm.


Incorrect: I have ordered for his termination.

Correct: I have ordered his termination.


Incorrect: She married with her friend’s brother.

Correct: She married her friend’s brother.


Incorrect: He entered into the room.

Correct: He entered the room.


Incorrect: The child resembles to its mother.

Correct: The child resembles its mother.


Incorrect: She is intelligence, but she lacks of experience.

Correct: She is intelligence but she lacks experience.


* We write by car/bike/boat/plane/land/sea/air/train etc. But note that by is not used if there is an article. For example, we write in the car, on a bus, and not by the car or by a bus.



Incorrect: What is the time in your watch?

Correct: What is the time by your watch?


Incorrect: We traveled in car.

Correct: We traveled by car.

Incorrect: We travelled by a car.

Correct:  We traveled in a car.


Incorrect: He travelled by the bus.

Correct: He traveled on the bus.


Incorrect: She goes by a bike.

Correct: She goes on a bike.


* We use with for expressing the feelings and sensations of people. Common examples are: white with fear, white with rage, red with anger, red with embarrassment, green with envy, blue with cold etc.



Incorrect: He is angry upon me.

Correct: He is angry with me.


Incorrect: I am pleased at you.

Correct: I am pleased with you.


Incorrect: He was trembling in rage.

Correct: He was trembling with rage.



* When referring to motion, it is grammatically correct to say “into” rather than “in.”


Incorrect: I jumped in to the river.

Correct: I jumped into the river.


Incorrect: He threw the ball in the basket.

Correct: He threw the ball into the basket.



* When discussing time, the two prepositions you use are “for” and “since.” When using the word “for” you are measuring time and when using the word “since” you are referring to a specific time.


Incorrect: He had been driving since four hours.

Correct: He had been driving for four hours.


Incorrect: You haven’t seen him for last year.

Correct: You haven’t seen him since last year.



* We generally misuse the word “at” and “to”. “At” refers to where things are, and “to” describes another location. Mixing these up can result in a very confusing sentence.


Incorrect: They arrived to the school.

Correct: They arrived at the school.


Incorrect: We went at the mall.

Correct: We went to the mall.








When she parted with her brother, there were tears in her eyes.

When she parted from her brother, there were tears in her eyes.

The Christian religion has been in exercise for time immemorial.

The Christian religion has been in exercise from time immemorial.

Police are not allowed to enter into University Campus.

Police are not allowed to enter University Campus.

I found her leaning on the chair.

I found her leaning over the chair

Her house is very superior to your house.

Her house is very superior from your house.

None except the brave deserve the honour.

None but the brave deserve the honour.

I told him on his face that he could not pass.

I told him at his face that he could not pass.

The frustrated man jumped in the river.

The frustrated man jumped into the river.

I have learnt this lesson word by word.

I have learnt this lesson word for word.

I saw him sitting besides the Chief Minister.

I saw him sitting beside the Chief Minister.

The tired passenger was sitting under the shade of the tree.

The tired passenger was sitting in the shade of the tree.

The thief mixed among the crowd which was coming from the railway station.

The thief mixed with the crowd which was coming from the railway station.

Content yourself with what you have and do not strive about the impossible.

Content yourself with what you have and do not strive for the impossible.

William Shakespeare generally went to the countryside to commune of nature.

William Shakespeare generally went to the countryside to commune with nature.

I will leave no stone unturned to come to your expectations.

I will leave no stone unturned to come upto your expectations.

Can I depend upon her for this work?

Can I depend on her for this work?

The employer is satisfied by the work of Mr.Altaf.

The employer is satisfied with the work of Mr.Altaf.

The Indian Parliament corresponds with the British Parliament.

The Indian Parliament corresponds to the British Parliament.

I shall stand by you in thick and thin.

I shall stand by you through thick and thin.

The ministers discussed about the problem in length.

The ministers discussed the problem in length.

Nothing can absolve you your responsibility.

Nothing can absolve you from your responsibility.

A horse of a broken leg cannot run.

A horse with a broken leg cannot run.

The question of how many souls exist on heaven is academic.

The question of how many souls exist in heaven is academic.

The jury acquitted him for murder.

The jury acquitted him of murder.

He lives on begging.

He lives by begging.

This is the central city in Bengal.

This is the central city of Bengal.

She was eating her heart for a soldier who was away at the war.

She was eating her heart out for a soldier who was away at the war.

My inquiry for his wealth was never answered.

My inquiry about his wealth was never answered.

Were there many people in the meeting?

Were there many people at the meeting?









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