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History of Women

 History of Women

Women's history

Studies in feminism branches out in various directions. The role of women in society has been studied by scholars of different branches of study. The protagonists of feminism have undertaken the role women have played in the evolution of society and culture. For example, anthropologists have accredited women with the discovery of agriculture, the process of generation of plants from the seeds. When cultivation was taken over by men, women were debarred from tilling the ground. In India, and for that matter in Bengal women are not supposed to touch the plough, though they may plant the sapling, but not sow the seed. Women take part in harvesting and other related activities like thrashing and winnowing the crop. Women's empowerment and universal suffrage have gone hand in hand. Women's study was started in America, and many universities there offer courses in the subject. In India, too, women's history has attracted academic attention, thanks to the globalization. Many significant researches on feminism have come out in the form of books. Aluwalia's Rethinking Boundaries of Feminism and Internationalism is a significant study on the subject. Professor Sukumari Bhattacharya has done a lot of researches with regard to the position of women. Geraldine Forbes in her Women in Modern India (of the series of The New Cambridge History of India IV.2) considered women's recent history from the nineteenth century under colonial rule, to the twentieth century after Independence. University of Jadavpur has a vibrant wing of women's studies, and publishes researches in the area.


History Class X Chapter 1

Topics: Women's History



Q1 Which year is celebrated as the women’s year?
(a)    1970          (b) 1972                     (c) 1975                       (d) 1980

Q2. Which decade is celebrated as the women’s decade?
(a)    1965-75     (b) 1975-85               (c) 1865-75                  (d) 1875-85

Q3. Which branch of history studies the every aspect of woman’s development?
(a)    Feminism   (b) Subaltern             (c) Nationalist             (d) Socialist

Q4. What is Eco-feminism?
(a)          Woman & environment           (b) Man & environment
(c) Nature & man                                (d) Man and woman                                         

Q5. Who used the term Eco-feminism?
(a)    Francois Dobban               (b) Emanuel
(c) Christopher                        (d) None

Q6. Name the book written by Francois Doban.
(a)    Feminism                          (b) Womenism
(c) Feminism of Death            (d) None

Objective Questions PDF


Answers in one word or one sentence (1marks)
1.      When the feminist study was began?
Ans: 1960s
2.      Which decade is called the Feminist decade?
Ans: 1975 to 1985
3.      Who was the first to use the term Feminism?
Ans: Francois Dobon

Answer in two or three sentences (2 marks)
1.      When and where the study of Feminist history began?
Ans: The study of women’s history began in USA around 1960s. It is a branch of Social history
2.      What is the importance of Feminist History?
Ans: Women’s history gives due importance to the contribution of women, to criticize subjects dealing with derogation of women, to develop correct social, economic, and moral views about women and transform into complete citizen through social change.

 Urdu Version

 ایک لفظ یا جملے میں  جواب دیں 

1.      When the feminist study was began?
ج: ۱۹۶۰ کی دہای میں
2.      Which decade is called the Feminist decade?
ج: ۱۹۷۵ تا ۱۹۸۵
3.      Who was the first to use the term Feminism?
ج: فرینکویس دوبون

Answer in two or three sentences (2 marks)

1.      When and where the study of Feminist history began?
 ج: عورت کی تاریخ کا مطالعہ ۱۹۶۰ میں امریکہ میں شروع ہوی۔
2.      What is the importance of Feminist History?
ج: ہی سماجی تاریخ کی ایک ایسی شاخ ہے جس میں عورتوں کے کارناموں اور ان کت طریقہ کار کا مطالعہ کیا جاتا ہے۔ اس کا مقصد سماج میں عورتوں کی عزت اور وقار کو بلند کرنا ہے۔


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