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Madhyamik History Question Paper 2022

 Madhyamik History Question Paper 2022

Madhyamik History 2022

Madhyamik, the Class 10 School leaving examination, is conducted by the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE). The examination is held in the month of March 2022. Each paper started on each day from 11.45 A.M to 3.00 P.M


Students can download the syllabus and the model question papers from the official website of West Bengal Board of Secondary Education. Here is the link is provided

Having the knowledge of previous years question papers of Madhyamik Pariksha is essential for achieving the best performance. At the Vision Success (website), you can view or even can downloaded in PDF form, the previous year question papers. This post provides you the Madhyamik History Question paper 2022 

Madhyamik Question Papers Year wise

Madhyamik Question Paper 2020


Madhyamik Question Paper 2019


Madhyamik Question Paper 2018


Madhyamik Question Paper PDF

English Version

Urdu Version

History 2022



Madhyamik Question Paper 2022 Solved

History 2022

Solved English Version  


Vision Success 

West Bengal Board Secondary Education

(Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes)
Full Marks: 90
(New syllabus)

Time - 3 Hours 15 Minutes

 (First 15 minutes for reading the question paper only)

Full Marks -- 90 For Regular Candidates

Full Marks – 100 For External Candidates

(English Version]

[Groups 'A' to 'E' are common for both Regular and External Candidates.

Group ‘F is meant only for External Candidates.]

(All questions of Group ‘A’ are compulsory. Candidates should follow the alternatives in other groups. Visually-challenged candidates will answer the alternative questions as per directive in Group 'B'. Others will attempt map pointing.)

Group ‘A’

1. Choose the correct answer:                                                                         1x20=20

1.1 Satyajit Roy was associated with —

(a) History of Sports   (b) Urban History

(c) Women's History   (d) History of Performing Arts


1.2 Silk was invented in ancient —

(a) India          (b) Rome         (c) Persia         (d) China


1.3 The city known as “forbidden city'is —

(a) Lhasa         (b) Beijing       (c) Rome         (d) Constantinople


1.4 The periodical ‘Bangadarshan’ was a —

(a) Weekly       (b) Fortnightly            

(c) Monthly     (d) Yearly


1.5 The drama 'Nildarpan’ was printed at -

(a) Nadiya       (b) Dacca         (c) Serampore             (d) Calcutta


1.6 The person who managed the affairs of the Brahmo Samaj after Rammohan was

(a) Akshoy Kumar Datta                    (b) Devendranath Tagore

(c) Ramchandra Vidyavagish             (d) Tarachand Chakrabarty


1.7 The first Bengali newspaper owned by a Bengalee was ----

(a) Samachar Darpan               (b) Sambad Pravakari

(c) Brahman Sebadhi              (d) Bengal Gazette


1.8 The first Muslim graduate of the Calcutta University was —


(a) Syed Amir Ali       (b) Abdul Latif           (c) Delwar Hossein Ahmed    (d) Syed Ahmed


1.9 A revolt organised by the Adivasi people against Colonial Forest Law was —

(a) Sanyasi-Fakir Rebellion     (b) Chuar Rebellion

(c) Kol Rebellion                     (d) Rampa Revolt


1.10 The term “Sanyasi revolt' was first used by —

(a) Vincent Smith        (b) James Mill  (c) Warren Hastings    (d) Lord Cornwallis


1.11 The peasant rebellion which lasted for the longest period was —

(a) Chuar Rebellion                 (b) Farazi Movement

(c) Sanyasi-Fakir Rebellion     (d) Santal Rebellion


1.12 Mir Nisar Ali was the leader of —

(a) Wahabi Movement in Bengal        (b) Farazi Movement

(c) Sanyasi-Fakir Rebellion                 (d) Indigo Revolt


1.13 The person known as 'Rashtraguru' was —

(a) Rammohan Roy     (b) Rajnarain Bose

(c) Nabagopal Mitra    (d) Surendranath Banerjee


1.14 The Great Revolt (1857) was termed as 'Peasant Revolt by -

(a) Surendranath Sen                          (b) Ramesh Chandra Majumdar

(c) Shashibhushan Chaudhury            (d) Vinayak Damodar Savarkar


1.15 Anandamohan Bose was the of the Indian Association -

(a) Founder     (b) President    (c) Vice-President       (d) Secretary


1.16 The ‘Bande Mataram’song was composed by —

(a) Rabindranath Tagore                                 (b) Satyendranath Tagore

(c) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay              (d) Swami Vivekananda


1.17 Jagadish Chandra Bose, the founder of the Bose Institute was a Professor of —

(a) Mathematics          (b) Chemistry (c) Physics       (d) Botany


1.18 The Bengal Engineering College was founded in –

(a) 1833 A.D.              (b) 1856 A.D.              (c) 1880 A.D.  (d) 1903 A.D.


1.19 The first President of the National Council of Education (1906) was —

(a) Rashbehari Ghosh              (b) Aurabindo Ghosh

(c) Taraknath Palit                   (d) Satish Chandra Mukhopadhyay


1.20 The editor of the ‘Digdarshan’ was —

(a) William Carey        (b) Joshua Marshman

(c) Felix Carey            (d) John Clerk Marshman



Group ‘B’

2. Answer the following questions (attempt one question from each sub-group; in all answer


Sub-group: 2.1

Answer each of the following questions in one sentence:                                      1x4=4

(2.1,1) In which year was suspended the publication of the Somprakash, temporarily?

(2.1.2) Give an example of the colonial architectures of Calcutta.

(2.1.3) In which offence was convicted Rev. James Long?

(2.1.4) Who composed the book “Vidyaharabali'?


Sub-group : 2.2

Identify which of the following is True or False:                                                   1x4=4

(2.2.1) In India, artillery was first used in the Battle of Plassey.

(2.2.2) The Mohan Bagan Club won the I.F.A. shield in 1911 A.D.

(2.2.3) The first groom to marry a widow was Shrischandra Nyayaratna.

(2.2.4) One of the Secretaries of the Landholders' Society was Prasanna Kumar Tagore.


Sub-group : 2.3

Match Column 'A' with Column 'B':                                                                      1x4=4


Columnb A'

Column 'B'


Lord Ripon


Zamindar Sabha


Rammohan Roy


Hunter Commission


Dwarkanath Tagore


Bengal Technical Institute


Taraknath Palit


Anglo-Hindu School



Sub-group : 2.4


On the given outline Map. of India, locate and label the following places :          1x4=4

(24.1) A centre of the Indigo Revolt — Nadiya.

(24.2) Area of Kol Rebellion — Chhotonagpur.

(2.4.3) A centre of the Great Revolt (1857) — Delhi.

 (2.4.4) A centre of the Great Revolt (1857) — Kanpur.3




Fill in the blanks :                                                                                                1x4=4


(2.4.1) 'HOOL' means…………..

(2.4.2) The drama ‘Nildarpan’ was composed by……………..

(2.4.3) The first Viceroy of India was…………..

(2.4.4) The Serampore Mission Press was founded in ………..A.D


Sub-group : 2.5

Select the correct interpretation of the following sentences:                          1x4=4

(2.5.1) Statement: The Hindu College was founded in 1817 A.D. for the spread

of western education.

Interpretation 1: Only Hindu students were eligible for admission in this College.

Interpretation 2: Both Hindu and Brahmo students were eligible for admission

     in this College.

Interpretation 3: Students of all creed were eligible for admission in this College.


(2.5.2) Statement: The Colonial Government created a separate region called South West Frontier Agency for the tribals.

Interpretation 1: It was created after the Chuar Rebellion.

Interpretation 2: It was created after the Kol Rebellion.

Interpretation 3: It was created after the Munda Rebellion.


(2.5.3) Statement: Jagadish Chandra Bose founded the Bose Institute in 1917 A.D.

Interpretation 1: It was founded for the development of Botanical research.

Interpretation 2: It was founded for the spread of scientific education.

Interpretation 3: It was founded for the development of scientific research.


(2.5.4) Statement: In the nineteenth century, the publishers of Bengal depended on

Peddlers to sell their books.

Interpretation 1: Because, book-shops were very limited.

Interpretation 2: Because, selling of books was regarded as a mean profession.

Interpretation 3: Because, it was the cheapest and easiest way to reach Prospective buyers.


Group 'C'

3. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences (any eleven):   2x11=22

3.1 What is the importance of the study of Military History? 3.2 What are 'Government documents'?

3.3 Why was founded the School Book Society?

3.4 Why Madhusudan Gupta is remembered?

3.5 Why is the 'educational despatch' of Lord Hardinge important?

3.6 What is meant by 'Bengal Renaissance'?

3.7 Why did the Farazi movement fail?

3.8 Why Titumir is remembered?

3.9 Why did a section of the educated Bengalee Society oppose the Great Revolt (1857)?

3.10 Why cartoons are drawn?

3.11 Who was Nabagopal Mitra?

3.12 Mention the role of Bankim Chandra in awakening nationalism century Bengal.

3.13 Why was founded the National Council of Education?

3.14. What is meant by ‘Vidyasagar fount?

3.15 What is the importance of the introduction of linotype in the development of Bengali press?

3.16 What is the contribution of Rabindranath in the spread of rural industry and vocational education?


Group ‘D'

4. Answer the following questions in seven or eight sentences each. Attempt at least two questions from each sub-group. Answer six questions in all.                   4x6=24


Sub-group: D 1

4.1 What role did Raja Radhakanta Deb play in spreading women's education in the Nineteenth century Bengal?

4.2 Can Lord Macaulay be regarded as the introducer of Western education in this country?

4.3 With what objectives the Colonial Government enacted the Forest Laws?

4.4 Analyse the role of newspapers in the Indigo Revolt.


Sub-group : D.2

4.5 Analyse the role of the Hindu Mela in spreading nationalism.

4.6 Analyse the nationalist ideas of Rabindranath as revealed in his novel "Gora'.

4.7 What changes were introduced by the printing press in the sphere of education in Bengal?

4.8 Analyse the role of Gangakishore Bhattacharya in the development of printing press in Bengal.


Group ‘E

5. Answer any one question in fifteen or sixteen sentences:                         8x1=8

5.1 Briefly describe the role of Ramakrishnadeva in the religious reform movement of nineteenth century Bengal.                                                                                                             8

5.2 What is the historical significance of the Sanyasi-Fakir rebellion? Why did the rebellion fail?                                                                                                   5+3

5.3 What is the importance of Halhed's '’A Grammar of the Bengal Language'? Analyse the role of Charles Wilkins in the development of printing in Bengali Language.            3+3



Group 'F'

6.1 answer the following in a single sentence (any four):                                       1x4=4

6.1.1 In which year was published the ‘Bangadarsan'?

6.1.2 In which year was formed the Indigo Commission?

6.1.3 In which year was founded the Hindu College?

6.1.4 Which revolt was initiated at Bhagnadihi?

6.1.5 Who painted the picture ‘Bharatmata'?

6.1.6 Who founded the 'Bose Institute'?


6.2 Answer the following questions in two or three sentences (any three):               2x3=6

6.2.1 Why is David Hare famous?

6.2.2 What is meant by 'revolution'?

6.2.3 State two objectives of founding the Indian Association.

6.2.4 Why is Panchanan Karmakar remembered?

6.2.5 With what objectives was founded the 'Sriniketan’?


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