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Periodicals and Newspaper

 Periodicals and Newspaper

Information may be obtained virtually from anywhere. Periodicals and newspapers are important source of information that helps to draw the map of contemporary events. In modern history these are considered as authoritative version of events which the historians can use unhesitatingly in their study.


Magazines, journals, newsletters, etc. which are published in regular intervals may be classified as 'periodicals'. The periodicals like Prabaşi, Şabuj-patra, Kallol and many others were very much popular among the Bengalee readers. There are certain advantages in using the periodicals as the source of information for reconstruction of the history of modern India) For example, the chief advantage that periodicals have over the books is that of time. There is no shred of doubt that in periodicals information comes out quickly compared to books. Another advantage of the periodicals is that they publish latest developments in different fields of study.


Newspaper may be described as the collection of articles about current events published generally on a daily basis. Of course there may be newspapers that are not published daily. In all the major cities at least one daily newspaper is published. The newspapers are great source for the local, national and international news. Newspapers publish articles on current events. In the articles different opinions are also expressed that help to form personal opinion of the readers.



History Class X Chapter 1

Topics: Periodicals and Newspaper



Q1. Which is the first weekly Periodical published in India?

(a)    Digdarshan.                       (b) Samachar Darpan           
(c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d) Bengal Gazette

Q: Who published the Bengal Gazette (English language)?
(a)    James Hickey.                   (b) P. Augustus       

(c) Clarke Marshman              (d) Iswar Chandra Gupta

Q: When was the Bengal Gazette published?
(a)    1775.         (b)1780           (c) 1785          (d) 1790

Q4. Which is the first Bengali monthly periodical published in India in 1818 (April)?
(a)    Digdarshan.           (b) Samachar Darpan            (c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d)None

Q5. Which is the first Bengali weekly periodical published in India in 1818?
(a)    Digdarshan.           (b) Samachar Darpan            (c) Sambad Prabhakar     (d)None

Q6. Which is the first Bengali daily periodical published in India in 1831?
(a)    Digdarshan.           (b) Samachar Darpan            (c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d)None

Q7. The daily newspaper Sambad Prabhakar was published by.
(a)    James Hickey.       (b) P. Augustus          (c) Clarke Marshman              (d) None

Q8. Who was the editor of the daily newspaper Sambad Prabhakar?

(b)   James Hickey.                    (b) P. Augustus       
(c) Clarke Marshman               (d) Iswar Chandra Gupta

Q9. Which among the following newspaper was published by Bankim Chandra in 1872?

(a)     Digdarshan.                       (b) Samachar Darpan           
(c) Sambad Prabhakar              (d)Bangadarshan

Q10. Which newspaper is remarked by Ramesh Chandra Majumdar as the first literary newspaper in Bengal?

(a)    Digdarshan.                       (b) Samachar Darpan           
(c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d)Bangadarshan

Q11. Which among the followings is the first political newspaper in Bengal?

(a)    Somprakash.                     (b) Samachar Darpan           
(c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d)Bangadarshan

Q12. Who published the Somprakash in 1858?
(a)    J. Hickey.  (b) P. Augustus          (c) C.Marshman         (d) Dwarkanath Vidyabhushan

Q13. Which news paper had protest against Vernacular Press Act passed in 1878 by Lord lytton?
(a) Somprakash.    (b) Samachar Darpan            (c) Sambad Prabhakar             (d)Bangadarshan


Objective Questions PDF


    Answers in one word or one line (1marks)

        1 .      Who is called the Father of Indian newspaper?
         Ans: James Augustus Hickey.
        2.      Which was the first weekly newspaper published in English language?
         Ans: Bengal Gazzette.
       3.      Which was the first monthly newspaper published in Bengali language?
         Ans: Digdarshan.
       4.      Who was the editor of Digdarshan?
        Ans: John Clark Marshman.
       5.      Which was the first weekly Bengali newspaper?
       Ans: Samachar Darpan.
        6.      Which was the first Bengali weekly newspaper published by an Indian?
      Ans: Sambad Komudi.
        7.      Which was the first daily newspaper published in Bengali language?
     Ans: Sambad Prabhakar.
        8.      Which was the first political newspaper in Bengal?
     Ans: Somprakash.
        9.      Which was the first literary newspaper in Bengal?
     Ans: Bangadarshan.
      10.  Who was the editor of Bangadarshan?
    Ans: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya.

       11.  Who was the editor of Somprakash?
   Ans: Dwarkanath bandopadhyay.
       12.  Who adopted the title of Vidyabhushan?
    Ans: Dwarkanath bandopadhyay.
       13.  Which weekly newspaper published on Monday?
   Ans: Somprakash and The India Gazette.
       14.  Which weekly newspaper published on Tuesday?
    Ans: The Calcutta Chronicles.
       15.  Which weekly newspaper published on Wednesday?
   Ans: The Asiatic Mirror.
       16.  Which weekly newspaper published on Thursday?
   Ans: The Calcutta Gazette.
       17.  Which weekly newspaper published on Saturday?
    Ans: Bengal Gazette.
      18.  Which weekly newspaper published on Sunday?
   Ans: The Recorder.


 Answer in two or three sentences (2 marks)

        1.      Describe the significance of periodicals and newspaper as source of history?
     Ans: Periodicals and newspaper are important source of information. They help us to draw the map of contemporary events. In modern history these are considered as authoritative version of events which the historians can use unhesitating in their study.
        2.      What is the difference between periodicals and newspaper?
        Ans: newspaper is published on the basis of daily or weekly accident and information like Somprakash and Samachar Darpan. Periodicals are published on the basis of preference after a definite gaping with a schedule motive like Prawasi, Sabujpata and Bangadarshan.
       3.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper published in English language?
    Ans: Bengal Gazette was the first English newspaper published on 29th January, 1780. It was published by James Hickey.
       4.      When and by whom was the first monthly newspaper published in Bengali language?
    Ans: Digdarshan was the first Bengali monthly newspaper published in April, 1818. It was published by the Serampore Baptist Mission Press. It was edited by John Clark Marshman.
        5.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper published in Bengali language?
    Ans: Samachar Darpan was the first weekly Bengali newspaper. It was published in May 1818 by Serampore Baptist Mission Press.
      6.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper in Bengali language published by an Indian?
    Ans: Sambad Komudi was the first Bengali newspaper published by an Indian in November, 1821. It was published by Raja Rammohan Roy.
       7.      When was the first Bengali daily newspaper published? Who was its editor?
   Ans: Sambad Prabhakar was the first Bengali daily newspaper published in 1839. Ishwar Chandra Gupta was its editor.
       8.      Who started the Bangadarshan and when?
    Ans: Bankim Chandra Chattopadhya started the Bangadarshan in 1872.
        9.      Describe the role played by Bangadarshan?
   Ans: Bangadarshan was a true mirror of the then society. It covered the topics like the farmar’s rebellion in the post indigo revolt period, British oppression, Mal administration, contemporary Babu culture of Kolkata.
       10.  Who was Dwarkanath Bandhopadhya. Name the newspaper edited by him.
   Ans: Dwarkanath Bandhopadhya was the professor of Sanskrit College. He was the editor of Somprakash.
        11.  When was the magazine kalpradrum published?  Who was its editor?
     Ans: Dwarkanath Bandhopadhya published the magazine Kalpradruma in 1878. 

 ایک یا دو لفظوں میں جواب دیں (ایم نمبر کیلے)

        1.    Who is called the Father of Indian newspaper?

جواب: جیمس اگسٹس ہیکی۔
    2.      Which was the first weekly newspaper published in English language?
جواب: بنگال گیزیٹ
     3.      Which was the first monthly newspaper published in Bengali language?
جواب: دگ درشن
    4.      Who was the editor of Digdarshan?
جواب: جان کلارک مارشمین
    5.      Which was the first weekly Bengali newspaper?
جواب: سماچار درپن
    6.      Which was the first Bengali weekly newspaper published by an Indian?
جواب: سمباد کومدی
    7 .      Which was the first daily newspaper published in Bengali language?
جواب: سمباد پربھاکر
   8.      Which was the first political newspaper in Bengal?
جواب: سوم پرکاش
    9.      Which was the first literary newspaper in Bengal?
جواب: بنگا درشن
   10.  Who was the editor of Bangadarshan?
جواب: بنکم چندرا چٹرجی.
   11.  Who was the editor of Somprakash?
جواب: دوارکاناتھ بنرجی
   12.  Who adopted the title of Vidyabhushan?
 جواب: دوارکاناتھ بنرجی
   13.  Which weekly newspaper published on Monday?
جواب: سوم پرکاش اور ڈی انڈیا گیزیٹ
   14.  Which weekly newspaper published on Tuesday?
جواب: ڈی کلکتہ کرونیکلش
   15.  Which weekly newspaper published on Wednesday?
جواب: دی ایشیاٹک میرر
   16.  Which weekly newspaper published on Thursday?
جواب: دی کلکتہ گیزیٹ
   17.  Which weekly newspaper published on Saturday?
جواب: بنگال گیزیٹ
   18.  Which weekly newspaper published on Sunday?
جواب: دی ریکارڈر

دو یا تین جملوں میں جواب دیں (دو نمبر کلے)

1.      Describe the significance of periodicals and newspaper as source of history?
جواب: روزنامے اور اخبار معلومات کا اہم ذریعہ ہیں۔ وہ عصری واقعات کا نقشہ پیش کرتے ہیں۔ جدید تاریخ میں یہ واقعات کا اہم جز سمجھا جاتا ہے جسے مورخین اپنے مطالعہ میں بلا جھجک استعمال کر سکتے ہیں۔
2.      What is the difference between periodicals and newspaper?
جواب: روزآنا شایع یونے والے کو اخبار کہتے ہیں جنکہ ہفتہ واری یا مقرر وقفے پر شایع ہونے والے کو رسالہ کہتے ہیں۔ اخبار میں اہم سیاسی، معاشی اور سماجی  واقعات کا تبصرہ رہتا ہے جبکہ رسالہ میں سیاسی، سماجی اور دیگر انسانی پہلوں کا تبصرہ کیا جاتا ہے۔
3.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper published in English language?
جواب: بنگال گزٹ 29 جنوری 1780 کو شائع ہونے والا پہلا انگریزی اخبار تھا۔ اسے جیمش ہکی نے شائع کیا تھا۔
4.      When and by whom was the first monthly newspaper published in Bengali language?
جواب: دیگ درشن پہلا بنگالی مہانامہ اخبار تھا جو اپریل 1818 میں شائع ہوا تھا۔ اسے سیرام پور کے باپتست مشن پریس نے شائع کیا تھا۔ اس کے مدیر جان کلارک مارش مین تھے ۔
5.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper published in Bengali language?
جواب: سماچار درپن پہلا ہفتہ وار بنگالی اخبار تھا۔ یہ مئی 1818 میں سیرام پور بیپٹسٹ مشن پریس نے شائع کیا تھا۔
6.      When and by whom was the first weekly newspaper in Bengali language published by an Indian?
جواب: سمباد کومودی پہلا بنگالی اخبار تھا جسے نومبر 1821 میں کسی ہندوستانی نے شائع کیا تھا۔ اسے راجہ رام موہن رائے نے شائع کیا تھا۔
7.      When was the first Bengali daily newspaper published? Who was its editor?
جواب: سمباد پربھاکر 1839 میں شائع ہونے والا پہلا بنگالی روزنامہ تھا۔ ایشور چندر گپتا اس کے ایڈیٹر تھے۔
8.      Who started the Bangadarshan and when?
جواب: بنکم چندر چٹوپادھیا نے 1872 میں بنگادرشن شروع کیا۔
9.      Describe the role played by Bangadarshan?
جواب: بنگادرشن اس وقت کے سماج کا حقیقی آئینہ تھا۔ اس نے نیل بغاوت کے بعد کسانوں کے حالات کا جایزہ پیش کیا، برطانوی استحصال کو پیش کیا، بدانتطامی کو پیش کیا، کولکتہ میں فروغ پاتے بابو تہزیب کا خاکہ کو پیش کیا۔
10.  Who was Dwarkanath Bandhopadhya. Name the newspaper edited by him.
جواب: دوارکاناتھ بندھوپادھیا سنسکرت کالج کے پروفیسر تھے۔ وہ سوم پرکاش کے مدیر تھے۔
11.  When was the magazine kalpradrum published?  Who was its editor?
جواب: دوارکاناتھ بندھوپادھیا نے 1878 میں میگزین کلپا درما شائع کیا۔



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