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Articles: A Complete Grammar


How to use Articles

What are Articles?

        Word that generally defines a noun as specific or unspecific is termed as Articles. There are three Articles “A, An, The” and are used before nouns. 

How to use Articles (A/An/The)?

The’ is used to refer to specific or particular nouns.

A/An is used to refer non-specific or non particular nouns.

So Articles are divided into two categories- The Indefinite Article and The Definite Article.


 The Indefinite Article

 Word that is used to refer an unspecific or general noun is termed as the ‘Indefinite Article’. It takes two form “A, An”. Articles are classified as determiners. A determiner comes before a noun to indicate quantity or possession etc.

 Rules for using Indefinite Articles:

 1. Indefinite article is always used with a singular noun and cannot be used with a plural noun.

Ex: a rose, an umbrella, a snake

 2.  "A" is used before a singular noun beginning with a consonant sound.

Ex: a house, a mouse, a snake, a lion,

 3.  "An" is used before a singular noun beginning with vowel sound (a,e,i,o,u).

Ex: an umbrella, an hour, an elephant,

    Note: The term sound is important because sometime consonants create vowel sounds, and vowels create consonant sounds. Therefore, the use of "an" or "a" is determined by the sound not the letter. Look at these examples:

 3. When a proper noun is used as a common noun, a/an is used before it.  

Ex: He thinks he is a Sachin. (Here, ‘Sachin’ does not refer to the actual person but someone like him.)

  He seems to be an Indonesian. (‘Indonesia’ is a proper noun but ‘Indonesian’

4. Indefinite articles are sometime used to refer term number ‘one’/’each’/’per’.

Ex: I earned a thousand rupees in that job. (One thousand rupee)

       I have a bike. (One bike)

   It goes 40 miles an hour. (Per Hour)

 5. Sometime Indefinite articles is used before descriptive adjective.

Ex: He is a good boy.

   What a nice shot! 


The Definite Article

      Word used to refer a particular or specific noun is termed  as Definite Article. It takes one form only “The”.  Word “the” can be used before a singular noun as well as before plural noun.

Rules for using Indefinite Articles:

1. Proper noun is generally takes Article The. 

       Ex:    The Ganga is a holy river of India.
             The Himalaya is situated in India.
             The Sun rises in the East.

             Give me the red hammer.  

             The woman is shouting. (refers to specific woman)

2. The is used to group or class

Ex: The cow is a pet animal.

       The dog is a faithful animal.

       The honest are respected.      

3. The is used before a particular non countable noun.

Ex: The water of Indian Ocean looks blue.

       Please give me the money.

4. It is mandatory to use article The before a unique thing in the universe.

Ex: The Stars shine in evening.

      The Earth is revolving around the Sun.

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