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The Infinitive

The Infinitive in English Grammar

What is Infinitive?

The Infinitive is a kind of Noun which comes out of a verb. It does not act as a verb. It acts as a Noun or Adjective or Adverb. 

How Infinitive is made?

The infinitive is formed by combining to + verb. It has two forms:

(i)  Infinitive with to (To + verb)

(ii)  Infinitive without to (Verb)


          Infinitive with to

         Infinitive without to

To learn


To eat


To have


To advance


 Infinitive with to (to + verb)

Ex: To err is human

       Salim likes to read

       To find fault is easy

       His greatest pleasure is to sing.

Infinitive without to:

Ex: Let him do this work.

      I made him laugh.

      I saw him coming.

      You need not go there.   

Negative Infinitive    

The Infinitive can also be negative. It is formed by putting 'not' in front of any form of the Infinitive.

Ex:     I decided not to go to New York.

                 He asked me not to be fool. 

                   I'd like you not to speak loudly.

     How to use to-infinitive?

     1. to+ infinitive as the subject of sentence.

      Ex:   To be or not to be, is the subject matter of this question.

                 To know him is the strategy to deal. 

                            To visit the Taj Mahal is my dream. 

                           To understand politics is our aim.

     2. to + infinitive after adjective:

       subject + Verb/to be + adjective + to-infinitive + (rest of sentence)

         By following the above rules, to+infinitive can be used with an adjective in the sentence.

        Ex: It is good to talk.

              It is important to have patience.

              The match was watershed to destroy the prestige of our team.

      3. to + infinitive to make a judgment/comment about a Noun in sentence.

           Subject + (Verb)to be + noun phrase + to-infinitive.

           Ex: It is a stupid film to watch.

                  His opinion was a rude thing to say.

                  This is the right thing to do.

                  Rounaq is the best person to hire.

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