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English Grammar

Introduction to English Grammar

 Introduction to English Grammar

The system of language at a particular time is called Grammar. The system of language cannot be identified with rules. In fact, languages started by people making sounds which evolved into words, phrases, clauses and sentences. Language is not fixed and keeps evolving over time.

What is Letter or Alphabets?

The smallest unit in any language is called a LetterThe catalog of all letters forms the Alphabets. Letters broadly correspond to Phonemes in the spoken form of language. The contemporary English-language alphabet consists of twenty-six letters. Each of twenty six letters corresponds to one or more sounds.

Capital Letter/Alphabet







 Small Letters/Alphabets





What is Vowel Letter and Consonant Letter?

A letter is classified as either a consonant or a vowel, depending on produced sound. According to Wikipedia,  vowel is a syllabic speech sound pronounced without any stricture in the vocal tract. Vowels vary in quality and loudness. In English Grammar, there are only five vowels (a,e,i,o,u).

A basic speech sound in which the breath is at least obstructed. In English Grammar, all the Non vowel sounding letters are called Consonants. (b,c,d,f,g,h,j,k,l,m,n,p,q,r,s,t,v,w,x,z)

What is Word?

A unit of language, consisting of one or more spoken sounds with exact and independent meaning is called a Word. Words are usually separated by spaces in writing, and are distinguished phonologically in many languages.

What is Sentence?

 sentence is a group of words put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete idea or thought. It is formed by observing grammar basic rules of syntax. Ex: Akram is going to school.  

A sentence must have at least a subject and a main verb to explain a complete thought. A subject is a Noun that is doing the main verb. 

What is a Phrase?

A Phrase is a group of word that makes a sense but not a complete sense.

Ex: in the west; on the wall, in the night.

What is Subject and Predicate in a sentence?

A sentence is a combination of words that gives a complete sentence. A sentence has two parts (i) Subject and (ii) Predicate

A subject in a  sentence is any object (Noun) about whom something is said in the sentence.

 Ex: The children are playing in the garden

        Amit is reading books.

        Rama and Mohini are preparing for exam.

        The sun rises in the East.

A Predicate is a part of the sentence that tells about the subject. It is generally contain verb that tells about the the subject.

Ex: Boys are playing.

       Meena is singing in the garden.

       A Tiger is roaring in the jungle.

What is Clause?

 A small sentence which is a part of a large sentence is called a clause.

Ex: It is certain that you have made such a mistake.


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