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C U History Honours CC4 Question Paper 2019

C U History Honours CC4 Question Paper 2019

 The University of Calcutta, also known as CU, is a collegiate public state university located in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. It was established on 24 January 1857. It is one of the first multidisciplinary and Western style institutions in Asia.

Today, the CU is recognized as a "Five-Star University". It is accredited an "A" grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council. It ranks seventh in the Indian University Ranking 2020 list, released by the National Institutional Ranking, Framework of the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. 

A candidate who has passed the Higher Secondary (10+2) or its equivalent Examination is eligible to seek admission, University of Calcutta, to the 1st year of the 3-year B.A (Honours or General). A minimum of 50% marks in the aggregate and 45% marks in the History subject is essential for pursuing the 3 years B.A  Honours in History.

The Vision Success website provides a educational support in understanding and successfully succeeding at the 3 years B.A Honours in History. The knowledge of previous year question paper and its solution is helpful for a candidate in understanding the questions pattern that is generally asked at Examination of each Semesters.

The syllabus of CU 3 years B.A Honours in History has been revised in the year 2018. The Three - year B.A. Honours in History will comprise 6 Semesters. The curriculum will consist of 14 Core Courses (CC), 4 Discipline Specific Elective (DSE) courses, 2 Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses (AECC), 2 Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) Each course will be of 100 Marks. Attendance: 10 marks per Paper, Internal Assessment: 10 marks per paper.

Each Core Courses carries 80 marks. The theoretical segment carries 65 marks and tutorial segment carries 15 marks. Question Pattern for subjective/descriptive segment of 65 marks is as follows:

·       15 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each (15 x 1 = 15).

·       4 questions out of 8 within 250 words; (5x4 =20)

·       3 questions out of 6 (within 500 words) (10 x3 = 30)

Core courses will consist of six semesters.

·       First Semester contains two papers CC1 and CC2

·       Second Semester contains two papers CC3 and CC4

·       Third Semester contains three papers CC5 CC6 and CC7

·       Fourth Semester contains three papers CC8  CC9  and CC10

·       Fifth Semester contains two papers CC11 and CC12

·       Sixth Semester contains two papers CC13 and CC14

 Syllabus of Calcutta University CC4 (Second semester) of 3 years B.A Honours in History, covers 

"Social Formations and  Cultural patters of the Medieval World other than India ".

Calcutta University Year wise Q.P

C.U. Question Paper 2021


C.U Question Paper 2019


C.U Question Paper 2018



Calcutta University Solved 2019

History Hons CC4

Solved Question Paper 


Vision Success

Calcutta University 


Honours in History

Paper: CC4

Full Marks: 65

Engish Version

M(2nd Sm.)-History-H-CC-4/CBCS


Group - A

1. Answer the following questions :                            1x15

(a) What is the meaning of the word Bedouin?

(b) What was the organizational basis of the Bedouin Society?

(c) What was the mode of literally expression of the Bedouins?

(d) Write the name of a book authored by P. K. Hitti on the history of Arabs.

(e) What was the principal economic activities of the Bedouins?

(f) What was the chief mode of transport used by the Bedouins in the desert?

(g) Mention the name of any one trading item of the Arab traders.

(h) Name the leader of the Bedouin.

(i) What do you mean by the word 'Mongol'?

(1) What was the real name of Chenghiz Khan?

(k) What do you understand by the word Golden Horde?

(l) Who were the Seljuks?

(m) Who was the founder of the Ottoman Turkish dynasty?

(n) What was the name of the Mongol dynasty founded by Kublai Khan?

(0) What is the significance of the year 1453 CE?

2. Answer any four questions :                                5x4

(a) Write a note on the Bedouin Society.

(b) Give a brief account of the Bedouin tribal organization.

(c) Discuss the chief characteristics of Bedouin lyrical poetry.

(d) What was the importance of Silk Route in the central Asian trade?

(e) Can the reign of Kublai Khan be regarded as the Golden age of the Mongols?

(f) Discuss the evolution of the administrative policies of the Seljuks under the leadership of Tughril Beg.

(g) What was the importance of the Golden Horde empire in the history of the Mongols?

(h) Analyse the causes of the decline of the Ottoman Turkish empire.

3. Answer any two questions :                                            10x2

(a) Discuss the economic activities of the Bedouins.

(b) Discuss the cultural activities of the Bedouins.

(c) Briefly discuss the geographical position of Central Asia.

(d) Assess the achievements of Chenghiz Khan.

(e) Do you think that the Mongol culture has enriched the world civilization?

Group - B

1. Answer the following questions :                    1x15

(a) What is the significance of 476 CE in the history of Roman Empire?

(b) Mention any one important cause of the fall of the Roman empire.

(c) Write the name of the book written by Edward Gibbon on the history of Rome.

(d) Who was the chief patron of the Carolingian renaissance?

(e) Write the name of any one scholar of the Carolingian renaissance.

(f) Who was Roger Becon?

(g) Write the name of any one scholar of the twelfth century Renaissance.

(h) Who was the Pope during the Investiture contest?

(i) Write the name of an important city of medieval Europe.

(j) Write the name of any one important monastic order in medieval Europe.

(k) Name one famous university of medieval England.

(l) What were the corvee, tithe and taille?

(m) When did the first Crusade begin?

(n) Mention any one site of Gothic architecture.

(0) Write the name of a book authored by Henri Pirenne.

2. Answer any four questions :                                    5x4

(a) What do you understand by Pirenne thesis?

(b) Discuss the chief characteristics of the Carolingian Renaissance.

(c) Write a note on status of women in medieval Europe.

(d) Analyse the background of the rise of medieval universities in Europe.

(e) Write a note on magic in medieval Europe.

(f) What do you understand by the Manor system?

(g) Discuss the relation between Islam and the Jews during the time of the Khalifas.

(h) Briefly discuss the significance of the crusades.

3. Answer any two questions :                                10x2

(a) Explain the causes of the fall of the Roman empire.

(b) Discuss the importance of the twelfth century Renaissance in the history of medieval Europe.

(c) Discuss the causes of origin of urbanisation in medieval Europe between the ninth and the fourteenth centuries.

(d) Discuss the main views of the historical debate on the crisis of feudalism.

Group - C

4. Answer any one question :                                        10x1

(a) Briefly discuss the relation between Islam during the period of Hazrat Muhammad with the Jews and the Christians.

(b) Explain the background of the Crusade. Was it merely a religious war?

Calcutta University Question paper 2019

Bengali Version

English Version

History Honours CC4



Calcutta University Question Paper 2019

Subject wise List


History Honours CC1 2019



History Honours CC2 2019


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