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WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2019

 WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2019

WBCHSE geography Question Paper 2019

The state of West Bengal is one of the first in India where the modern system of education was established by British Missionaries. Since then, it has evolved into the fine education system and is now monitored by state run autonomous body.

The  West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education (WBCHSE) came into existence in 1975. It is an autonomous examining authority. It is responsible for conducting examinations for standard XII for both government and private schools affiliated to this board. It is responsible for improvement and promotion of education in the state.

The WBCHSE has made a sustained effort towards a quality uniform evaluation system all over the state of West Bengal.  More than 6800 schools and over 16 lakhs students are being monitored by the Council. The task has been more challenging in context of the very competitive global environment and a diverse range of subjects.

The H.S. education is a significant part of the overall education system. West Bengal has the distinction of being the pioneer in the modern education system by virtue of the influence of the great literary and social path finders.

Students who are appearing at the final exam ( class 12), should make it a point to go through maximum number of WBCHSE question papers.  Attempting a full-length within the stipulated time limit would help you improve your writing speed and also identify the topics which you need to study.

At VISION SUCCESS website every student can download previous years question paper for free.  Solved paper of selective subjects are also provided at VISION SUCCESS website which can be downloaded free. VISION SUCCESS provides suggestion and solved suggestion every year which can also be downloaded.

In this post WBCHSE Geography QUESTION PAPER 2019 is being provided. Students can download it PDF format.

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Geography 2019










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West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education





1. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): 7x5=35

(a) Explain with suitabie diagrams how are 'doline' and 'dripstone' formed i a Karst region. What is 'Ria coast'? 5+2

or, Briefly discuss the role of parent rocks and climate in soil formation. Explain with diagram how are river terraces formed due to rejuvenation of a river. 5+2

(b) Explain with suitable diagrams the life-cycle of a temperate cyclone. What is Biodiversity hot spot' ? 6+1

Or, Classify xerophytes and discuss their adaptation with environment. Distinguish between hazard and diasaste 5+2

(c) Why is Mediterranean region famous for the production of fruits? What are the causes for the development of coffee cultivation in South India ? Define crop rotation. 3+3+1

(d) Explain the causes for the development of iron and steel industry in Japan in spite of non-availability of raw materials. Why is cotton textile industry called 'foot-loose industry'? What is meant by petro-chemical industry? 3+2+2

(e) Discuss the physical factors related to uneven distribution of population in different parts of the world. Analyse the causes for the development of Haldia Port. 4+3

Or, Distinguish between population density and man-land ratio. Discuss in brief the hierarchy of Planning Region. Mention the importance of age-sex ratio. 2+3+2


1. Select the correct answer out of the options given against each question: 1x21-21

(i) According to Census 2011, in India the ratio between female and male is -

(a) 925:1000.          (b) 930: 1000

(c) 935 1000.          (d) 940: 1000

(ii) Professional consultation' is an example of

(a) Tertiary economic activity 

(b) Quaternary economic activity

(c) Quinary economic activity 

(d) None of these

(iii) The first jute mill of India was established at

(a) Rishra.                  (b) Bandel

(c) Serampore .         (d) Titagarh

(iv) The father of 'White Revolution' in India is -

(a) Norman Borlaug 

(b) Ronald Ross

(c) M.S. Swaminathan 

(d) Dr. Verghese Kurien

(v) The name of a free-floating hydrophyte is -

(a) hogla.                 (b) lotus

(c) water ily.           (d) water hyacinth

(vi) The name of the climatic region in which bio-diversity is maximum is-

(a) Tropical rain forest climatic region 

(b) Monsoon climatic region

(c) Mediterranean climatic region 

(d) Tundra climatic region

(vii) The drainage pattern which develops on a dome-shaped hill is-

(a) Parallel drainage pattern 

(b) Herring-bone drainage pattern

(c) Radial drainage pattern 

(d) Pinnate drainage pattern

(vii) The soil formed by volcanic materials is 

(a) Oxisol.           (b) alfisol 

(c) Alfisol.        (d) Andisol

(ix) 'Great Barrier Reef is found- 

(a) off the coast of U.S.A. 

(b) off the coast of Asia

(c) off the coast of Australia

(d) off the coast of South America

(x) The word 'Grade' was first used by -

(a) G.K. Gilbert

 (b) W.D. Thornbury

(c) ArthurHolmes

 (d) W.M. Davis

(xi) isolated and almost disconnected small rural settlement is known as

(a) hamlet.              (b) village

(c) mouza.              (d) town

(xii) The major iron ore producing region of Chhattisgarh is -

(a) Gurumahishani.          (b) Dali-Rajhara

(c) Bababudan hill.           (d) Korba

(xii) Which of the following cities of India are connected by 'Golden Quadrilateral' ?)

(a) Delhi-Mumbai-Kolkata-Bengaluru 

(b) Delhi-Mumbai-Hyderabad-Kolkata

(c) Delhi-Mumbai-Chennai-Kolkata 

(d) Porbandar-Delhi-Kolkata-Chennai

(xiv) The 'Least cost theory of Industrial Location' was propounded by -

(a) August Losch 

(b) Alfred Weber

(c) George Renner

 (d) E.W. Zimmermann

(xv) The agricultural system in which millet is the major crop is-

(a) humid farming 

(b) dry farming

(c) shifting cultivation 

(d) commercial farming

(xvi) The hazard associated with the gravitational force is-

(a) earthquake .      (b) flood

(c) avalanche.         (d) forest fire

(xvii) Monsoon wind is a type of 975
(a) local wind
(b) periodical wind
(c) planetary wind
(d) irregular wind

(xvii) The colour of humus-rich soil is
(a) reddish.              (b) black 
(c) grey.                    (d) whitish

(xix) One characteristic feature of equatorial climatic region is-
(a) dry summer and moist winter
 (b) high annual range of temperature
(d) convectional rainfall in afternoon

(xx) The region where inselbergs are found is-
(a) Kalahari Desert 
(b) Gangetic Plain
(c)  the Deccan trap
(d) Amazon river basin

(xxi) The hot water coming out of volcanoes during the time of vulcanicity along with
magma is known as-
(a) Connate water.       (b) Juvenile water
(c) Vados water.            (d) Meteoric water

2. Answer the following questions (Alternatives are to be noted): 1x14-14

(I)  What is tombolo ?

(ii) Define antecedent river.

(iii) What is Jet stream?

(iv) What is 'ex-situ' conservation ?

(v)  Define tertiary economic activity.

(vi) What is wet farming?
Or, Define intensity of cropping.

(vii) Define 'Development.

Or, Why is Bengaluru called electronic city of India ?

(viii) Why is the amount of ground water less in desert region ?
Or, What is aquifer?

(ix) What is meant by dynamic rejuvenation?

(x) Which type of physical environment is suitable for the growth of halophytes?
(xi) What is meant by soil texture ?
Or, What is meant by physiologically dry soil ?
(xii) Indicate two major causes for the recent flood in Kerala.
(xii) What is industry?

Or, Why is Durgapur called 'Rurh of India'?

(xxiii)  What at is population explosion?
or, What is dry-point settlement ?

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Geography  2019



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