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The Munda Revolt

 Munda Rebellion

Munda Rebellion

Munda rebellion is one of the prominent tribal revolts of India. It occured in 1899-1900 under the leadership of Birsa Munda. The Munda revolt occured in Ranchi belt of modern Jharkhand. The revolt started with the cry of Ulgulaan.

What is the meanng of Ulgulaan?
In Munda language the term Ulgulaan means ‘Great Tumult’ (revolt). It aimed at establishing  Munda Raj and independence.

Who were Munda?
Munda was one of the tribal groups inhabiting in central Eastern India. They spoke various Munda languages of Austroasiatic stock. They inhabited the hilly and forest areas of Chotanagpur region. They were basically peasant cultivating on semi fertile land. The main centre of Mundas was Ranchi.
The Munda means the Village Headman. They traditionally enjoyed tax free land as the khuntkattidar or the original clearer of the forest. The land acquired by Khuntkattidar was called Khuntokti. The system of collective ownership of the munda people over this property was called Khutkati.

Causes of Ulgalan
The Munda community had their own system of administration, laws and justice system. With the establishment, the East India Company wanted to abolish these social customs. The government tried to replace the Munda economy with a new system of paying taxes in money, instead of crops. It increased public anger to a great extent.

By the nineteenth century, the East India Company, they introduced laws which disallowed the Munda tribes from freely grazing their sheep or cattle and from collecting firewood from their own forest land. The Company started replacing the collective ownership of the Munda people by the individual ownership. This led to influx of non-tribal people (outsiders) in the Munda regions.

The introduction and settlement of Diku (moneylenders, zamindars, traders, and mahajans) or enemy or outsiders made the Munda community dependent upon them. Thekedars from Northern India came and tried to replace it with zamindari system.

The new zamindars caused indebtedness and forced labour or beth begari also increased dramatically. Unscrupulous contractors had turned the region into bondage labour.

What was the role of Christian Missionary
The Charter Act of 1813, allowed the Missionaries to spread christianity in India.The appearance of Christian Missionaries like Lutheran, Anglican and Catholic, started the forced conversion of Munda community into Christian. The spread of education through missionary activities made the tribals more organised and conscious of their rights. Tribal solidarity was threatened as the social tension between the Christian and non-Christian Mundas deepened. The agrarian discontent and the advent of Christianity, therefore, helped the revivalism Munda religion. It sought to reconstruct the tribal society disintegrating under the stresses and strains of colonial rule.

Who was Birsa Munda
The famous Munda leader was Birsa Munda. He was the son of Sugan Munda, a sharecropper of Ulihatu village in Ranchi. Because of poverty, he was forced to live with his maternal uncle. At the age of 12, he adopted Christianity and lived in the German Missionary School at Chaibasa. His relationship with missionaries soured over the years. He went back to his own village to be re-introduced to the traditional land of his fore father. He came under the Vaishnava influence

In 1895, Birsa Munda came developed a new religious philosophy and called himself ‘Dharti abba” or “father of the earth”. He worshipped ‘Singbonga’ or the sun god. Thousand of Munda people became his disciples and Birsa Munda became the prophet of Munda community.

The new prophet became a critic of the traditional tribal customs, religious beliefs and practices. He called upon the Mundas to fight against superstition, give up animal sacrifice, and stop taking liquors.  It was essentially a revivalist movement. It sought to purify Munda society of all foreign elements and restore its pure character. Birsa Munda used both Hindu and Christian idioms to create the Munda ideology and worldview.

Characteristics of Ulgalan
Birsa persuaded his followers to fight for their ancestral lands and rights. He organized people to stop paying debts to money lenders and taxes to the British. He broke all links with the missionaries and took the path of Ulgulaan (revolt). This had alarmed the British of an imminent rebellion. Birsa was arrested and sent to Ranchi jail.   

After releasing from jail in 1897, Birsa Munda once again began organizing the tribals. He showed the seeds of revolt against the landlords and British. He raised the self confidence of the tribals, who increased their attacks on the landlords. He formed two military units- One unit for military training and armed struggle and the other unit for propaganda.

The Munda rebellion was formed with only 6000 Munda destitute. Their covert weapons were bows, arrows, spears, axes and special battle axes called ‘tangi’. The rebels attacked police stations and officials, churches and missionaries. In spite of hostility, they never attacked the Dikus except in a couple of controversial matter. 

On Christmas Eve 1899, the Mundas shot arrows and tried to burn down churches in the districts of Ranchi and Singhbhum. Next, in January 1900, the police stations were targeted. The rebels planned to attack Ranchi on 8 January 1900. On 9 January, however, the rebels were defeated. Birsa was captured and died in jail. Nearly 350 Mundas were put on trial and of them three were hanged and 44 transported for life.

Significance of Munda rebellion

Though the Munda rebellion was crushed, it was the first planed and organized anti-feudal and anti colonial struggle. The government attempted to redress the grievances of the Mundas through Chotanagpur Tenancy Act 1908. It provided some recognition to their khuntkatti rights and banned beth begari. Thus the Munda community won a degree of legal protection for their land rights.  

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Multiple Choice Questions:

Descriptive Question
Q1: When did the Munda revolt occur? Who was its leader?
Ans: Munda revolt occur in 1899-1900. Birsa  Munda was its leader.

Q2: What were the causes of the Munda revolt?
Ans: Munda revolt occured as a reaction to the oppression and exploitation of Briitsh official, zamindars and moneylenders. spread of chrisitianity was one of the causes.

Q3: When and where did the Munda revolt occur?
Ans: Munda revolt occur in 1899-1900. It occured in the chotanagpur region of Jharkhand. Ranchi was the main centre of revolt.

Q4: Against whom the Munda rebels protested?
Ans: The Mundas protested against British official, Zamindars, moneylenders, and chrisistian missionary.

Q4A: Write two characteristics of Munda revolt.
Ans: There were two principal characteristics of the Munda revolt. (i) Birsa Munda formed a small army of 6000 Munda people to fight against the British. (ii) Munda tribe could not afford modern weapons. They used bows, arrows, spears and tangi as their weapon agains the mighty East India Company. 

Q5: What were the causes of Munda Rebellion.?
Ans: The Munda community had their own system of administration, laws and justice system. With the establishment, the East India Company wanted to abolish these social customs. The government tried to replace the Munda economy with a new system of paying taxes in money, instead of crops. It increased public anger to a great extent.
By the nineteenth century, the East India Company introduced laws which disallowed the Munda tribes from freely grazing their sheep or cattle They were banned from collecting firewood from forest land. The Company started replacing the collective ownership of the Munda people by the individual ownership. This led to influx of non-tribal people (outsiders) in the Munda regions.
The introduction and settlement of Diku (moneylenders, zamindars, traders, and mahajans) or enemy or outsiders made the Munda community dependent upon them. Thekedars from Northern India came and tried to replace it with zamindari system.
The new zamindars caused indebtedness among the Munda tribes. Forced labour or beth begari also increased dramatically. Unscrupulous contractors had turned the region into bondage labour. Conversion to christianity was also alarming the Mundas. The agrarian discontent and the advent of Christianity, therefore, helped the revivalism Munda religion. It sought to reconstruct the tribal society disintegrating under the stresses and strains of colonial rule.

Q6: What was the significance of the Munda revolt? 
Ans: Though the Munda rebellion was crushed, it was the first planed and organized anti-feudal and anti colonial struggle. The government attempted to redress the grievances of the Mundas through Chotanagpur Tenancy Act 1908. It provided some recognition to their khuntkatti rights and banned beth begari. Thus the Munda community won a degree of legal protection for their land rights.  

Q7: What do you understand the term Ulgalan?
Ans: In Munda language the term Ulgulaan means ‘Great Tumult’ (revolt). It aimed at establishing  Munda Raj and independence.

Q8: Write a short on Birsa Munda?
Ans: Birsa Munda was an Indian freedom Fighter. He led the tribal Munda to revolt in 1899-1900. He was a religious figure. He inspired the Munda and Oraon Community to fight against the oppression of the British and Christian Missionaries.

Hindi Version

Q1: मुंडा विद्रोह कब हुआ था? इसका नेता कौन था?
उत्तर: मुंडा विद्रोह 1899-1900 में हुआ। बिरसा मुंडा इसके नेता थे।


Q2: मुंडा विद्रोह के क्या कारण थे?
उत्तर: मुंडा विद्रोह ब्रिटिश अधिकारियों, जमींदारों और साहूकारों के उत्पीड़न और शोषण की प्रतिक्रिया के रूप में हुआ। ईसाई धर्म का प्रसार इसका एक कारण था।


Q3: मुंडा विद्रोह कब और कहाँ हुआ था?
उत्तर: मुंडा विद्रोह 1899-1900 में हुआ। यह झारखंड के छोटानागपुर क्षेत्र में हुआ था। रांची विद्रोह का प्रमुख केंद्र था।


Q4: मुंडा विद्रोहियों ने किसके खिलाफ विरोध किया?
उत्तर: मुंडाओं ने ब्रिटिश अधिकारी, जमींदारों, साहूकारों और ईसाई मिशनरी का विरोध किया।


Q5: मुंडा विद्रोह के क्या कारण थे?
उत्तर: मुंडा समुदाय की अपनी प्रशासन व्यवस्था, कानून और न्याय प्रणाली थी। स्थापना के साथ, ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी इन सामाजिक रीति-रिवाजों को समाप्त करना चाहती थी। सरकार ने मुंडा अर्थव्यवस्था को फसलों के बजाय पैसे में करों का भुगतान करने की एक नई प्रणाली के साथ बदलने की कोशिश की। इससे जनता का गुस्सा काफी हद तक बढ़ गया।

उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी तक, ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी, उन्होंने ऐसे कानून पेश किए जो मुंडा जनजातियों को अपनी भेड़ या मवेशियों को स्वतंत्र रूप से चराने और अपनी वन भूमि से जलाऊ लकड़ी इकट्ठा करने से रोकते थे। कंपनी ने मुंडा लोगों के सामूहिक स्वामित्व को व्यक्तिगत स्वामित्व से बदलना शुरू कर दिया। इससे मुंडा क्षेत्रों में गैर-आदिवासी लोगों (बाहरी लोगों) की आमद हुई।

दीकू (साहूकार, जमींदार, व्यापारी और महाजन) या दुश्मन या बाहरी लोगों के परिचय और बंदोबस्त ने मुंडा समुदाय को उन पर निर्भर बना दिया। उत्तरी भारत से थेकेदार आए और इसे जमींदारी व्यवस्था से बदलने की कोशिश की।

बेईमान ठेकेदारों ने इलाके को बंधुआ मजदूर बना दिया था। ईसाई धर्म अपनाना मुंडाओं को भी डरा रहा था। इसलिए, कृषि असंतोष और ईसाई धर्म के आगमन ने मुंडा धर्म के पुनरुत्थानवाद में मदद की। इसने औपनिवेशिक शासन के दबावों और दबावों के तहत बिखर रहे आदिवासी समाज का पुनर्निर्माण करने की मांग की।


Q6: मुंडा विद्रोह का क्या महत्व था?
उत्तर: हालांकि मुंडा विद्रोह को कुचल दिया गया था, यह पहला सुनियोजित और संगठित सामंत-विरोधी और उपनिवेश-विरोधी संघर्ष था। सरकार ने छोटानागपुर काश्तकारी अधिनियम 1908 के माध्यम से मुंडाओं की शिकायतों का निवारण करने का प्रयास किया। इसने उनके खंटकट्टी अधिकारों को कुछ मान्यता प्रदान की और बेथ बेगरी पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया। इस प्रकार मुंडा समुदाय ने अपने भूमि अधिकारों के लिए कुछ हद तक कानूनी सुरक्षा हासिल की।


Q7: उलगलन शब्द से आप क्या समझते हैं?
उत्तर: मुंडा भाषा में उलगुलान शब्द का अर्थ है 'महान कोलाहल' (विद्रोह)। इसका उद्देश्य मुंडा राज और स्वतंत्रता की स्थापना करना था।

Q8: बिरसा मुंडा पर एक संक्षिप्त लिखें?
उत्तर: बिरसा मुंडा एक भारतीय स्वतंत्रता सेनानी थे। उन्होंने 1899-1900 में आदिवासी मुंडा के विद्रोह का नेतृत्व किया। वह एक धार्मिक व्यक्ति थे। उन्होंने मुंडा और उरांव समुदाय को ब्रिटिश और ईसाई मिशनरियों के उत्पीड़न के खिलाफ लड़ने के लिए प्रेरित किया।


Urdu Version


 Q1: منڈا بغاوت کب ہوئی؟ اس بٖغاوت کے لیڈر کون تھے؟

جواب: منڈا بغاوت 1899-1900 میں ہوئی۔ برسا منڈا اس کے رہنما تھے۔


Q2: منڈا بغاوت کے خاص سبسب بیان کرو؟

جواب: منڈا بغاوت برٹش آفیشل ، زمینداروں اور ساہوکاروں کے ظلم اور استحصال کے نتینے کے طور پر برپا ہوا۔ عسای مذہب کی تبلیغ بھی اس بغاوت کی ایک وجہ تھی۔


Q3: منڈا بغاوت کب اور کہاں برپا ہوئی؟

جواب: منڈا بغاوت 1899-1900 میں برپا ہوئی۔ یہ جھارکھنڈ کے چھوٹناگ پور علاقے میں برپا ہوا۔ رانچی اس بغاوت کا مرکز تھا۔


س 4: منڈا قبیلے نے کس کے خلاف احتجاج بلند کیا؟

جواب: منڈوں نے برطانوی عہدیدار ، زمینداروں ، ساہوکاروں اور کرسچین مشنری کے خلاف احتجاج کیا تھا۔


Q5: منڈا بغاوت کی وجوہات کیا تھیں؟

جواب: منڈا قبیلوں کا اپنا سماجی اور انتظامیہ قوانین تھیں۔ قیام کے ساتھ ہی ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی ان کے سماجی رسم و رواج کو ختم کرنا چاہتی تھی۔ کمپنی نے منڈا قبیلوں سے بطور نقد کی شکل میں لگان کی ادایگی کا سلسلہ شروع کیا۔ اس عمل نے عوامی غصے کو کافی حد تک بڑھا دیا۔

انیسویں صدی تک ، ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی نے جنگل کا نیا قانون متعارف کروائے۔ اس کے مطابق منڈا قبیلے اب جنگل کو اپنے بھیڑوں یا مویشیوں کیلے بطور چارہ گاہ استعمال نہیں کرسکتے تھے۔ مزید وہ جنگلوں سے جلانے کی لکڑی بھی جمع نہیں کرسکتے تھے۔  کمپنی نے منڈا لوگوں کی اجتماعی ملکیت کو انفرادی ملکیت سے بدلنا شروع کیا۔ اس کی وجہ سے منڈا علاقوں میں غیر قبائلی لوگوں (بیرونی) کی آمد شروع ہوئی۔ جنہیں منڈا قبیلے ڈیکو کہتے تھے۔ اس طرح ڈیکو کی آمد اور نےء انتظامیہ نے منڈا قبیلوں کو دھیرے دھیرے مجبور اور بے بس کردیا۔ مذید شمالی ہندوستان سے آے ٹھیکیداروں نے موقع کا فایدہ اٹھاکر زمینداری نظام قایم کرنے کی کوشش کی۔


نئے زمینداروں نے قرض کا ایسا جال بچھایا کہ منڈا قبیلوں کے لوگ جبری مشقت یا بیٹ بھگاری کرنے پر مجبور ہوے۔ بے ایمان ٹھیکیداروں نے اس علاقے میں بندھوا مزدوری کا رواج عام کردیا۔ عیسای مزہب کی تبلیغ سے بھی منڈا قبیلوں کو خطرا پہنچا۔ لہاذہ زرعی غلامی اور عیسائیت کی آمد نے منڈا قبیلوں کے درمیان مذہبی حیات نو کا سبب بنا۔ اس طرح منڈا قبیلے نے اپنی سماجی اور مذہبی نظام کو دوبارہ قایم کرنے کی کوشش کی۔ برسا منڈا اس انقلاب کا مذہبی اور سیاسی رہنما بنا۔


Q6: منڈا بغاوت کی کیا اہمیت تھی؟

جواب: اگرچہ منڈا بغاوت کو کچل دیا گیا تھا ، یہ نوابادیاتی کے خلاف پہلی منصوبہ بند جدوجہد تھی۔ حکومت نے 1908 میں چھوٹناگپور ٹینینسی ایکٹ تعارف کرایا۔ اس کے تحت منڈا قبیلوں کو رعایت پہنچانے کی کوشش کی۔ باہر سے لوگوں کی آمد اور زمین کی منتقلی پر پابندی لگا دی گی۔


Q7: آپ Ulgalan لفظ سے کیا سمجھتے ہیں؟

جواب: منڈا زبان میں الگلان کے معنی 'زبردست ہنگامہ' (بغاوت) ہوتا ہے۔ اس کا مقصد منڈا راج اور آزادی قائم کرنا تھا۔


س 8: برسا منڈا پر مختصر لکھیں؟

جواب: برسا منڈا ایک ہندوستانی سیاسی جنگجو تھا۔ اس نے 1899-1900 میں قبائلی منڈا کی بغاوت کی قیادت کی۔ وہ ایک مذہبی شخصیت کا مالک تھا۔ انہوں نے منڈا اور اورون قبیلوں کو برطانوی اور عیسائی مشنریوں کے ظلم کے خلاف لڑنے کی ترغیب دی۔

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