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Charter Acts



Charter Acts

Establishment of British Parliamentary Control:

From the very beginning the British Government was reaping benefits from the Indian empire built up by the East India Company. But the development after the battle of Palashi revealed that corruption was rampant amongst the servants of the Company. Besides, there was problem regarding the administration of the British possession in India. The chaotic situation brought about by the misgovernance of the Company roused the public opinion in England. Even the members of the British Parliament did not hesitate to express their dissatisfaction about the matter. In such a situation the British Government also became seriously concerned about the affairs of the Company. It was felt that the British Government could not remain mere a spectator to the existing abuses. In this context the British government decided to control the basic policies of the Company's administration. The result was the enactment of a Parliamentary Acts.


Some Other Important Legislation after 1784:

The framework of administration for the Company's Government in India was laid down in Pitt's India Act and it remained more or less unchanged till 1857. However, after 1784 enactments brought about some changes in the administration of India.


1. The Charter Act of 1793:

By the Charter Act of 1793 the charter of the Company was renewed for another twenty years. Besides, the Governors of Bombay and Madras were brought more decisively under the control of the Governor-General of Bengal.


2. The Charter Act of 1813:

By the Charter Act of 1813the trade monopoly of the East India Company's trade in India was brought to an end. The trade with India was thrown open to all British subjects. But the revenues collected in India remained with the Company. The Act was a benchmark in the history of education in India. For the Charter Act of 1813 directed the Company to spend a sum of one Lakh of rupees for encouraging education in India.


3. The Charter Act of 1833:

The Charter Act of 1833 incorporated certain important changes in the administration of the Company's government in India. a The Indian possession of the Company was to be held in trust for the British Crown. b The President of the Board of Control (in London) became a Minister (Minister of Indian Affairs) of the British Cabinet and he was to look after the administrative affairs in India. The Governor-General of Bengal was made the "Governor-General of India'. His power was increased as he was to control all civil, military and revenue matters of the whole of India. Lord William Bentinck was the first Governor-General of India (1833). A law member was added to the Governor-General's Council. Lord Macaulay was nominated as the law member.

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1.      Multiple Choice Question.

(i)          By which Act the East India Company lost its trade monopoly in India?

(a)   Regulating Act 1773               (b) Regulating Act 1784        

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833


(ii)        Which Charter Act focused on the development of education in India?

(a) Regulating Act 1773   (b) Regulating Act 1784        

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833


(iii)    By which Charter Act Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India?

(a) Regulating Act 1773   (b) Regulating Act 1784        

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833


(iv)     Who became the first Governor General of India in 1834?

(a) Robert Clive                            (b) Lord Dalhousie     

(c) Lord William Bentinck            (d) Warren Hastings


(v)      By the Charter Act 1833, who among the followings was added to the Governor General’s Council?

(a) Law Member   (b) Finance Member    (c) Education Member            (d) None


(vi)      Who became the first Law Member of Governor General Council?

(a) Lord Hastings              (b) Lord Macaulay

(c) Lord Cornwallis           (d) Lord Minto


(vii)     Which was the last Charter Act?

(a) Regulating Act 1773               (b) Charter Act 1853  

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833


(viii)   Which Act ended the rule of East India Company in India?

(a) Govt of India Act 1858           (b) Govt of India Act 1909   

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833

(ix)     By which act India became the integral part of the British Parliament?

(a) Govt of India Act 1858                       (b) Charter Act 1853  

(c) Charter Act 1813                                 (d) Charter Act 1833


(x)       Which Act is also known as the Act for the Better Government in India?

(a) Govt of India Act 1858           (b) Govt of India Act 1909   

(c) Charter Act 1813                     (d) Charter Act 1833



(xi)       Which post was introduced by the Government of India Act 1858?

(a) Viceroy                        (b) Advocate  

(c) Governor                      (d) Magistrate


(xii)    Who was the last Governor General and first Viceroy of India?

(a) Lord Hastings              (b) Lord Bentinck

(c) Lord Cornwallis           (d) Lord Canning


(xiii)    Where was the Queen Darbar held in India in 1858?

(a) Calcutta           (b) Allahabad

(c) Agra                 (d) Delhi

2. Answer in one or two sentences

Q1: What was the importance of the Charter Act of 1813?

Ans: By the Charter Act of 1813 the English East India Company lost its monopoly trading rights.


Q2: When was the last Charter Act passed?

Ans: The last Charter Act was passed in 1853 AD.


Q3: By Which Charter Act the Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India? Who became the first Governor General of India and when?

Ans: By the Charter Act 1833, the Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India. In 1834, Lord William Bentinck became the first Governor General of India.

Q4: By which Act a Law member was added in the Governor General Council’s?

Ans: Charter Act of 1833


Q5: What is Macaulay's Minute?
Ans. Macaulay Minute was an education reform sought to introduce western education in India.  

Hindi Version

Q1: What was the importance of the Charter Act of 1813?

उत्तर: १८१३ के चार्टर अधिनियम द्वारा अंग्रेजी ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी ने अपने एकाधिकार व्यापार अधिकारों को खो दिया।

.Q2: When was the last Charter Act passed?

उत्तर: अंतिम चार्टर अधिनियम 1853 ई. में पारित किया गया था।

Q3: By Which Charter Act the Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India? Who became the first Governor General of India and when?

उत्तर: चार्टर एक्ट 1833 द्वारा, बंगाल का गवर्नर जनरल भारत का गवर्नर जनरल बन गया। 1834 में, लॉर्ड विलियम बेंटिक भारत के पहले गवर्नर जनरल बने।

Q4: By which Act a Law member was added in the Governor General Council’s?

उत्तर: 1833 का चार्टर अधिनियम

Q5: What is Macaulay's Minute? 

उत्तर। मैकाले मिनट एक शिक्षा सुधार था जिसे भारत में पश्चिमी शिक्षा शुरू करने की मांग की गई थी।

Urdu Version

Q1: What was the importance of the Charter Act of 1813?

جواب: 1813 کے چارٹر ایکٹ کے ذریعے انگریزی ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی اپنے تجارتی اجارہ داری سے محروم کردی گی۔


Q2: When was the last Charter Act passed?


جواب: آخری چارٹر ایکٹ 1853 عیسوی میں منظور ہوا۔


Q3: By Which Charter Act the Governor General of Bengal became the Governor General of India? Who became the first Governor General of India and when?

جواب: چارٹر ایکٹ 1833 کے ذریعے بنگال کا گورنر جنرل کو ہندوستان کا گورنر جنرل مقرر کیا گیا۔ 1834 میں لارڈ ولیم بینٹینک ہندوستان کے پہلے گورنر جنرل بنے۔


Q4: By which Act a Law member was added in the Governor General Council’s?

جواب: چارٹر ایکٹ 1833۔


Q5: What is Macaulay's Minute?

جواب میکاولے منٹ ایک تعلیمی اصلاحات تھی جو ہندوستان میں مغربی تعلیم کو متعارف کرانے کی کوشش کرتی تھی۔

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