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Advent of Europeans in India

Advent of Europeans in India

Advent of Europeans in India

How was Political Hegemony Established in India?
Vasco da Gama was an Portuguese explorer. He was the the first European to reach India by sea. He was entrusted by the Portuguese Emperor John III. He landed at Calicut on 20 May 1498. Calicut was ruled by the Kingdom of Zamorin. His discovery of the sea-route to India from Europe opened a new chapter in the history of Indo-European relations. Portuguese were the first to establish trade contact with India. In course of time, all the European powers established trade contacts with India. They came first as traders and finally settled down as colonial powers.

Establishment of East India Company in Bengal: 
    The English East India Company was setup in England in 1600. Its charter was approved by the British Queen Elizabeth I. It was established by John Watts and George White to grab the opportunity of trade with India also. India was ruled by Mughal Emperor Jehangar who granted permission for settlement. In 1607 Captain William Hawkins came at the court of Emperor Jehangir. He was denied of permission. In 1612, King James I of England sent Sir Thomas Roe to arrange for a commercial treaty with India. This mission was successful as Jehangir granted permission.
    The first English settlement in India was established at Surat, in Gujarat on the western coast of India in 1613. Yet the growth of the English as a political power in India started centring Bengal. In Bengal at Hariharpur in Orissa, then a part of the Bengal Presidency (Subah), the first English settlement came into being in 1633. Later on, the first English factory was setup in Bengal on the bank of river Hooghly (Rishra) in 1651. Trading activities of the East India Company flourished with the foundation of Calcutta in 1690. The city of Calcutta was founded by Sir Job Charnock.

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 Multiple Choice Questions

(i)  Which European power was the first to establish contact with India?

(a)   England           (b) Portuguese             (c) France        (d) Holland


(ii)  Which European explorer was the first reach to India?

(a) Columbus         (b) Nuniz         (c) Vasco da Gama     (d) Albaqurque


(iii)  Vasco da Gama reached in India in

(a)    20 May 1498   (b) 20 June 1498

(c) 25 May 1498      (d) 25 June 1498


(iv)   Vasco da Gama landed in India at

(a) Calcutta           (b) Bombay     (c) Madras       (d) Calicut


(v)   Who was the King of Calicut

(a) S Hobbs           (b) M Richard             (c) Zomarin     (d) Abrahim


(vi)   In which year the English East India Company was established?

(a) 1600     (b) 1601           (c) 1602           (d) 1603


(vii)  The Charter of English East India Company was granted by Queen

(a) James I             (b) William II  (c) Elizabeth II            (d) Elizabeth I



(viii)   The English General who visited the court of Emperor Jehangir in 1607 was

(a) Captan William Hawkins         (b) Sir Thomas Roe

(c) Capain Reid                             (d) Sir A V Alexendra


(ix)   The English General who visited the court of Emperor Jehangir in 1613 was

(a) Captan William Hawkins         (b) Sir Thomas Roe

(c) Capain Reid                             (d) Sir A V Alexendra


      (x)    The King of England who sent the English General at the court of Jehangir in 1613? 

( a) James I         (b) William II  (c) Elizabeth II     (d) Elizabeth I


      (xi)   Where was the first English settlement made in 1613? 

    (a) Madras   (b) Bombay     (c) Calcutta     (d) Surat


     (xii) The first English factory was setup in Bengal in- 

    (a) 1651       (b) 1652           (c) 1653           (d) 1654


     (xii) The first English factory was setup in Bengal at- 

    (a) Rishra     (b) Calcutta     (c) Hooghly     (d) Barasat


    (xii) The Calcutta was founded by 

   (a) John Marshal       (b) William      (c) Job Charnock         (d) Pat Charnock


   (xii)  The Calcutta was founded in the year

  (a) 1680         (b) 1690           (c) 1700           (d) 1710


 Objective Question Answers:

Q1: When and where was the Vasco da gama landed?
Ans: The Vasco da gama was landed in 1498 at Calicut.
Q2: Who granted the trading right to English East India Company and when?
Ans: The Mughal Emperor Jehangir had granted the trading right to EIC in 1612.
Q3: When & where was the first Jute Mill established?
Ans. The first Jute Mill was established at Risra on the River Hooghly near Calcutta In 1851.

 Q4: Who founded Calcutta and when?
Ans: Sir Job Charnock founded Calcutta in 1690.
Q5: What is the name of Hilferding's book?
Ans. Finance Capital.
Q6: Who wrote 'Wealth of Nations'?
Ans: Adam Smith. 

Hindi Version

Q1: वास्को डी गामा कब और कहाँ उतरा था?
उत्तर: वास्को डी गामा 1498 में कालीकट में उतरा था।
Q2: इंग्लिश ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी को व्यापार का अधिकार किसने और कब दिया?
उत्तर: मुगल सम्राट जहांगीर ने 1612 में ईआईसी को व्यापार का अधिकार दिया था।
Q3: पहली जूट मिल कब और कहाँ स्थापित की गई थी?
उत्तर। पहली जूट मिल 1851 में कलकत्ता के पास हुगली नदी पर रिसरा में स्थापित की गई थी।

Q4: कलकत्ता की स्थापना किसने और कब की?
उत्तर: सर जॉब चार्नॉक ने 1690 में कलकत्ता की स्थापना की।
Q5: हिलफर्डिंग की पुस्तक का क्या नाम है?
उत्तर। Finance Capital.
Q6: 'वेल्थ ऑफ नेशंस' किसने लिखी?
उत्तर: एडम स्मिथ।

Urdu Version

Q1: واسکو دا گاما کب اور کہاں اترا گیا؟
جواب: واسکو ڈا گاما 1498 میں کالی کٹ میں اترا گیا۔
Q2: انگریزی ایسٹ انڈیا کمپنی کو کس نے تجارت کا حق دیا اور کب؟
جواب: مغل شہنشاہ جہانگیر نے 1612 میں EIC کو تجارت کرنے کا اجازت دیا۔
Q3: پہلی جوٹ مل کب اور کہاں قائم ہوئی؟
جواب پہلی جوٹ مل 1851 میں کلکتہ کے قریب دریائے ہگلی کے کنارے رشڑا علاقہ میں قائم کی گئی تھی۔

  Q4: کلکتہ کی بنیاد کس نے اور کب رکھی؟
جواب: سر جاب چارنک نے 1690 میں کلکتہ کی بنیاد رکھی۔
Q5: ہلفرڈنگ کی کتاب کا نام کیا ہے؟
جواب فنانس کیپیٹل۔
Q6: 'ویلتھ آف نیشنز' کس نے لکھا؟
جواب: ایڈم سمتھ

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