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 Articles In English Grammar


       An article is an adjective. Like every adjective, article modifies nouns. There are three Articles “A, An, The” and are used before nouns. The is used to refer to specific or particular nouns; a/an is used to refer non-specific or non particular nouns. So Articles are divided into two categories- The Indefinite Article and The Definite Article.


 The Indefinite Article

         Words “A, An” are the indefinite Articles. These articles are used before a noun that is general or unspecific thing.  Indefinite article is always used with a singular noun and cannot be used with a plural noun.


Note:- "A" is used before a singular noun beginning with a consonant letters.


           "An" is used before a singular noun beginning with a vowel letters (a,e,i,o,u)

           Ex: A pen.
                 A watch.
                 A horse
                 A hen.     


                 An elephant.


                 An umbrella.
                 An eye .
                 An eagle.


The Definite Article

      Word “The” is called the Definite Article. It refers to a specific entity or thing. Word “the” can be used before a singular noun as well as before plural noun.

       Ex:    The Ganga.
             The Himalaya.
             The Sun.
             The Stars.
             The Fours.  
             The Boys. 

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