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19th Century Bengal and its newspaper, magazine  and society



Madhyamik History

Chapter 2




MPH- 0201

These are some Probable MCQ Questions in Madhyamik History, Chapter 2, within the above topic that could be asked  in the Madhyamik Examination as well as in the School Service Commission (W.B). Thorough revision will help the students and spirrants to achieve 100% in the Madhyamik Examination.

A. Multiple Questions Answer.

Q1. Which magazines in Bengal  helped to bring about women's progress in education?
      (a)    Bamabodhini         (b) Samachar Darpan            
      (c) Sambad Prabhakar   (d)Bangadarshan
Q2. When was the magazine Bamabodhini first published?
      (a)    1860.         (b) 1861         
      (c) 1862            (d)1863
Q3. When was the Bamabodhini last publication published?
     (a) 1860.          (b) 1822         
     (c) 1922           (d)1869
Q4. Who was the first editor of Bamabodhini?
    (a)    Umesh Chandra Dutta.      (b) J.Hickey   
    (c) Vidya Bhushan                    (d)None
Q5. Who was the last editor of Bamabodhini?
    (a)    Umesh Chandra Dutta.      (b) Ananda Kumar Dutta       
    (c) Vidya Bhushan                    (d)None
Q6. In which language the Bamabodhini published?
    (a)    English       (b) Urdu                    
    (c) Bengali        (d) Arabic
Q7. Bamabodhini  was a--
    (a)    Newspaper             (b) Magazine             
    (c) Drama                    (d) Book
Q8. Bamabodhini was published--
    (a)    Daily          (b) Weekly                
    (c) Quarterly      (d) Monthly

 Q9: Which of the following published articles that included definition and the character of 'new Bengal women’s was?
      (a) Prabashi      (b) Sabuj Patra                        
     (c) Bamabodhini          (d) Jnandarshan

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Bamabodhini MCQ (DPP)


Bamabodhini Subjective (DSP)


Chapter Wise  Statement  Question


Column A

Column B


The Bengali periodical that gave emphasis to women issues


Neel Darpan


Harish Chandra Mukherjee




Oppression of the indigo planters


Huton Pyanchar Naksha


Describe of a Kolkata city street


Hindoo Patriot

         Ans: a- ii, b--iv, c--i, d--iii

Column A

Column B


 The periodical which included definition and character of 'New Bengali women'


Dinabandhu Mitra


Hindu marriage law imposed disability on the part of girls in exercising their right to marry on their own.




The one who notice and expressed with irony and humor how the old and new lived side by side.


Hindoo Patriot


Staying in Jessore one who had the first hand knowledge how the peasantry treated by the indigo Naksha planters


Hutum Pyanchar Naksha

        Ans: a--ii, b--iii, c--iv, d--i

For English Version

A: Answer in one sentence                                  1Marks

Q1. Which papers and periodicals address to the social problems of contemporary Bengal?
Ans: Bamabodhini and Hindoo Patriot.
Q2. Where was the publication of Bamabodhini first started?
Ans: The publication of Bamabodhini was first started from Calcutta.
Q3. When the Bamabodhini was first published?
Ans: Bamabodhini was first published in August 1863.
Q4: When the Bamabodhini was last published?
Ans: The last publication of Bamabodhini took place in 1922.
Q5. How did Bamabodhini help to uplift the social positions of the women of Bengal?
Ans: Bamabodhini helped the women of Bengal in educating in Sanskrit and Bengali languages.\
Q6. Name the first female graduate from Calcutta Medical College.
Ans: Kadambani Ganguly was the first female graduate from Calcutta Medical College.
Q7. Name the autobiography written by Ras Sundri Devi?
Ans: ‘Amar jibon’ is the autobiography of Ras Sundri Devi.
B: Answer in two or three sentences:                           1Marks
(i)                 What were the objectives of the Bengali periodical Bamabodhini?
(ii)               When and by whom was the Bengali periodical Bamabodhini started?
C: Answer in seven or eight sentences                          4 Marks
(a)    How did Bamabodhini serve the cause of women in Bengal?

C: Descriptive type Question                                        4/8 marks

(i)                 Briefly describe the role of Ramakrishnadeva in the religious reform movement of nineteenth century Bengal. (M.P. 2022)       8M

Ans: Ramakrishna Paramahansadeva was the priest of temple of goddess Kali at Dakshineswar. He recognized differences among religion. But at the same time he was convinced that all religions lead to the same goal. Thus he Sri Ramkrishna concluded that all the religions are valid and true. Regarding the religious Pramhansadeva harmony or sarva dharma samannay Ramakrishna had to say that he had (1836-1886) practiced all religions — Hinduism, Islam and Christianity – as also the different paths of the Hindu sects. After the exercise he found that it was the same god towards who all were directing their steps. Ramakrishna found people quarrelling in the name of religion without realizing that He who is called Krishna is also called Siva, and bears the name of Jesus and Allah as well. According to him theThus the message of religious harmony or Sarva Dharma Samammay of Ramakrishna is first of all the recognition of differences among religions. At the same time the differences are to be and harmony of religions established.

Mahatma Gandhi had written about Ramkrishna Paramhansha.  His life story itself gives us an idea of visualizing God directly. He was an icon of all religion. Swami Vivekananda was his most important disciple others were - Keshab Chandra Sen, Girish Ghosh, Vidyasagar. One can attain God by devotion or attaining knowledge or by simple devotion to his work-Jata Math, Tata Path''



(ii)               Explain Swami Vivekananda's ideals of religious reform. (M.P. 2017)         4M

Ans. Swami Vivekananda was a representative of spiritualism, patriotism and nationalism in India in the 19th century. The ideal of religion that he propagated came to be known as 'Neo-Vedanta'. Let us now look into his ideas of religious reform.

Vivekananda had experienced poverty and grief in his personal life. He had also witnessed the poor living conditions of the people of India. These, combined with the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, influenced him to think deeply about the concept of religion in India. He wanted to free people from the clutches of meaningless rituals that were closely related to religion in his times. His aim was to instill in people the idea that selfless service to man was the actual service to God.

The propagator of the ancient philosophy of Advaita Vedanta in India was Sri Adi Shankaracharya (788-820 A.D.). Swami Vivekananda gave a new interpretation to the Advaita philosophy, which came to be known as Neo-Vedanta". He explained that Lord Brahma was present everywhere and to serve other human beings was to serve Him.

Swami Vivekananda attended the Parliament of Religions at Chicago, USA in September, 1893. There he talked about the ideals of universal tolerance, love and brotherhood as mentioned in Advaita Vedanta.  

For Urdu Version

ایک نمبر

ایک جملوں میں جواب دیں


کون کون سے اخبارات یا رسائل نے اس زمانے کے بنگال کے سابی مسائل کو اپنا موضوع بنایا تھا؟


جواب: بامابودھینی اور ہندو پٹریوٹ



بامابودھینی کی اشاعت کس جگہ سے شروع ہوئی تھی؟


جواب: بامابودھینی کی اشاعت کلکتہ سے شروع ہوی تھی۔



بامابودھینی کی پہلی اشاعت کب ہوئی تھی؟


جواب: بامابودھینی کی اشاعت اگست ۱۸۶۳ میں شروع ہوی تھی۔



بامابودھینی کی آخری اشاعت کب ہوئی تھی؟


جواب: بامابودھینی کی آخری اشاعت ۱۹۲۲ میں ہوی تھی۔



کس طرح بامابودهینی نے بنگال میں عورتوں کی سماجی حیثیت کو برتر کرنے میں مدد کی تھی؟


جواب: بامابودھینی نے بنگال کی گھرولوں عورتوں کو بنگلہ اور سنسکرت زبان کی تعلیم سے آراستہ کرنا تھا۔ انہیں سماج میں ایک نی پہچان بخشی۔ 



کلکتہ میڈیکل کالج کی پہلی گریجویٹ خاتون کا نام بتائیں۔


جواب: کادمبنی گانگولی



راس سندری دیوی کی لکھی ہوئی خود نوشت کا نام بتائیں؟


جواب: آمر جیبن



دو یا تین جملوں میں جواب دیں


بنگالی رسالہ بمابودھینی کے مقاصد کیا تھے؟


جواب: : بامابودھینی نے بنگال کے گھریلو عورتوں کو بنگلہ اور سنسکرت زبان کی تعلیم سے آراستہ کرنا تھا۔ باما بودھینی نے عورتوں کے مسائل پر زیادہ زور دیا۔ اس رسالے نے ملک کی عورتوں کے درمیان مختلف مضامین سے متعلق جانکاری فراہم کرنے کی ضرورت کو بھی پیش نظر رکھا تھا۔



 بنگالی رسالہ بمابودھینی کب اور کس کے ذریعہ شروع ہوا؟


جواب: بامابودھینی کی اشاعت اگست ۱۸۶۳ میں کی گی۔ امیش چندر دتہ اس کے مدیر تھی۔



4 Marks

سات یا آٹھ جملوں میں جواب دیں


بنگال سے شائع ہونے والا رسالہ بامابودھینی نے کس طرح سے بنگال کی عورتوں کے مسائل کو پیش  کیا تھا؟


جواب: ’’بامابودھینی ایک بنگالی سالہ تھا جو1863 میں شائع ہوا تھا۔ اس نوآبادیت کے دور میں ’باما بودھینی نے عورتوں کے مسائل پربہت ہی زبردست اثر ڈالا تھا۔ اخبار کے مقصد کو پیش کرتے ہوئے شری امیش چندر دیتا جو کہ اس اخبار کے مدیر بھی تھے ۔ انہوں نے لکھا تھا اخبارکا مقصد ملک کی عورتوں کی ضرورتوں اور ان کے مسائل پر پوری توجہ دینا تھا۔ اس کے علاوہ یہ بات بھی واضح کیا گیا تھا کہ یامابودھینی عورتوں کو مختلف مضامین کی ضروری جانکاری دینے کی طرف بھی توجہ دیگا۔ با ما بودھینی 1923 تک شائع ہوتا رہا تھا۔ اس دوران بامابودھینی  نے عورتوں کی تعلیم اور ان کے سماجی  مسائل میں نمایاں ترقی لانے کا کام کیا تھا۔


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